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"Am I supposed to be scared now?" I yell into the empty space.

His laugh crackled though my ears. Who am I kidding, I'm scared shitless right now. 

"We had a deal human. Time to pay your due." 

I look around the room. It's empty, all except a phone with a number already dialed in.

"I refuse to!" I suddenly feel his presence behind me and a voice right in my ear. What little bravery whisked away with his words.

"You will or I'll throw you into the black void of which I reside and joyously watch you go slowly insane." The grip on my heart seem to almost felt like it was crushing itself. "Do not test me. Do it."

I shakily pick up the phone and press the call button. Holding it to my ear, the ringing started. Then it clicked.


I sigh. "Ma'am, this is a survey on your electrical appliances in your house. I have to first ask, is your refrigerator running?"

Anti snickered in the background. I roll my eyes.

"Well it is." Then with no enthusiasm I replied.

"Well you better catch it."

Cringe. A bit old school. And we may have to touch on your living arrangements

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