53: Goodbye

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Hiko lifted up his bag carrying everything he owns. Panting, he went down the stairs which creaked as he stepped on it then threw the bag on the couch, collapsing along with it.

"Hey bro. Are you ready?" Jianjun asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah. But I think I should leave some stuff." He began taking out the random objects he had acquired over the years. Once he was done, he could lift his bag using his pinky.

"Are you ready now?" Jianjun asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." Jianjun walked out the door but Hiko paused. You never truly knew your father! The words from Junko echoed in his mind. He looked back at the drawer, where his Father's journal was. He got up to it and took it. It was still as dusty as ever. When Hiko had stuffed it into his shirt he ran to the door, catching up with Jianjun.

"I'll miss you Hiko! I'll never have another partner as good as you!" Yuri hugged Hiko.

"Of course you won't. I'm one of a kind." Hiko chuckled as Yuri separated.

"Bye 'Lil bro. Come back once you're ready." He hugged his little brother.

"I will. Just take care of the village while I'm gone." They separated giving each other an approving look.

"Are you ready Sora?" The Raven Eagle cawed and went to mount on Hiko's shoulder who pet him. "Alright let's go." Hiko began walking toward the village gate, ready to start a new chapter in his life.

"Hiko!" Someone shouted from behind.

He turned around to see Katsumi running toward him. When she reached him she immediately hugged him tightly, making Hiko's knees weak.

"I'm so sorry for yesterday. I just didn't want you to leave and it was selfish of me." She sobbed.

"It's fine, Katsumi." He stared at her eyes again, which he'll never get tired of. Katsumi leans in and gives a chaste kiss on Hiko's lips. Hiko dreamt of this ever since he saw how amazing Katsumi really was. She was funny, smart, strong, and gorgeous. It felt like everything had melted away as soon as Katsumi's lips collided with his. All of his anxieties and worries were gone in a snap. When they separated, all of it came crashing back to Hiko, hitting him like a Lightning bolt to the chest.

"Good luck, and stay safe." Katsumi smiled at him.

"I will." Hiko turned around and walked out of the village gate, planning to not return again for another three years for the second time in his life. But he knew, this was necessary. He had to discover who he was outside of his father and his clan. And who he was outside of his bending.

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