Chapter 30 - Red or Blue? (ii)

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The familiar yet eerie sound of the EMF meter whirred softly in your hand as you moved around the bathroom cautiously. You moved the device around like a metal detector, holding it up and down and around slowly. The lights on the meter continued to remain neutral, much to your relief and dismay. 

Please, please.please don't say that I need to come back here at night. I do not want to be wandering around an empty school in the dark. You cringed to yourself.


The bathroom was quiet and you were alone, making your way down pushing stall doors open causing them to creak and swing on their hinges. Nothing to be seen and according to the EMF meter, nothing invisible was there either.

In the corner of your eye you saw the movement of your reflection in the mirrors above the sinks.


You turned your attention to the mirrors fully, looking back at your other self, copying your exact movements. It reminded you of all the folklore surrounding mirrors and the belief of how someone's reflection was a projection of their soul trapped inside the mirror. That's where the common myth of breaking a mirror brought you seven years of bad luck. 


As you inhaled you watched your shoulders lift and fall as you sighed, and turned your gaze to the dripping tap at the end. 

The drips echoed on the tiled walls and so did your footsteps as you walked over to the sink  to turn the tap off all the way.

Seeing as there was nothing out of the ordinary in the bathroom, you turned to leave, slipping out the exit and leaving the door to clatter shut behind you. 


You saw Taehyung by the boys bathroom waiting for you on his own, the school hallways now empty of children as they returned to their classes.

"How was it on your end?" You asked, Taehyung lifting his head as you approached. 

"Nothing," he said shaking his head with a frown, disappointment clear on his face. You had almost forgotten that Taehyung enjoyed this sort of thing, 'ghost hunting' in his words. It only made you wonder about him. Although the two of you had bonded (if you could call it that) over cameras and photography on the last case you had taken on with him, you realised you still knew very little about Taehyung. He was Mark's assistant at the morgue, he liked photography and he enjoyed the thrill of ghost hunting. That seemed to be all you knew about him and quite frankly it began bugging you a bit. Could you trust someone you barely knew to have your back? The last time had definitely been a step back in your minimal relationship with him because you still weren't sure if you believed his words defending his case of shutting that basement door behind you. You began reminiscence back to it through your memory.

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