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"She's f*cking dating someone!" Pansy hissed to Draco when Theo left.
"What?" He asked and looked over.
"Hey Pansy is looking again." Harry whispered. Hermione and Fred looked at each other he pulled her in and she laid her head on his shoulder.
"You know she could just be doing exactly what you are doing." Blaise suddenly said picking at his food.
"Psh as if." Draco replied.
"You and Theo have to do something bad in front of her." Draco told Pansy.
"That's disgusting." George suddenly told Hermione and Fred.
"They aren't looking anymore." Ron told them. Hermione lifted her head, as Fred remover his arms from around her. Theo walked over to them.
"So what are we doing next to piss them off?" Theo asked sitting down.
"I'm not sure." Pansy said.
"You two know that there is a party tonight, right?" Draco asked them smirking.
"I don't like that smirk." Blaise said warily you Draco not knowing what else to say.
"And you shouldn't." Draco replied.
"Well don't just sit there." Pansy said.
"Tell is the idea!" Theo told him smirking.
"Ok ok." He said and they leaned in close as he whispered the idea.
"Umm guys I don't," Blaise tried to warn them.
"Perfect!" Pansy hissed .
"There isn't one better idea." Theo told him.
Time transitions to the party
At the part Theo and Pansy were sitting with each other waiting for the right moment.
"Fred, Hermione you guys know the plan?" Harry asked, they had thought of a little plan themself. After a bit at the party they saw Pansy and Theo started walking out of the party to the broom closet where they thought they would see Hermione and Fred in the hall, and they did. The second fred and Hermione saw Pansy and Theo, Fred pushed Hermione against the wall, kissing each other Pansy and Theo stopped, Pansy went wide eyed. Fred started kissing her neck as Hermione let out a moan. Theo grabbed pansy's arm and they went to Slytherin common room. Ron, Harry, and George came out of their using spot, Hermione and Fred didn't know if they should stop or not do they didn't.
"Ok, ok! Fred let go of my friend." Ron said looking at them in a disgusted way. Harry gave Fred and Hermione water.
"I can tell you one thing, you are a really good kisser." Fred told her.
"Thanks, you aren't bad yourself." Hermione complimented him.
"Ok ok you guys can like do thst in your own time." George said even he was disgusted.
"You can blame Harry." Hermione recalled.
"Yeah this was his idea, along with your idea too Ron!" Fred hissed to them.
"Do you think it's working?" Hermione asked them in a hopeful way.
"Definitely." Harry told her.
"She'll be crawling back to you in no time." Ron replied to her.
"I just don't understand, you broke up with her but you don't want her dating anyone else?" Fred asked they hadn't said anything about the voice, George was confused also. Hermione explained about the voice.
"What are you doing!!" The voice hissed to her. She screamed and jumped she hadn't heard that voice in so long that it scared her when it came I mean why wouldn't it.
"Hermione what happened?" Ron asked her.
"You okay?" Harry asked.
"No it's back!" Hermione sighed to them.
"Hell yeah I'm back, what are you up to?" The voice exclaimed to her.
As they walked into the common room Pansy screeched. Blaise looked up from his book and Draco ran out of his room to the common room
"What happened?" Blaise asked in an unconcerned way.
"Before we could even put dracos plan in action, we walked in the hallway and Fred and Hermione were kissing!" Pansy screeched to them.
"It was just a kiss. Why didn't you wait till they were done kissing then did the idea?" Draco asked Blaise sighed as if giving up.
"He has her against the wall, he was kissing her neck." Theo explained so Pansy didn't have to.
"Ooh that's bad." Draco said. Blaise looked up.
"What?" He asked confused now.
"I'm not saying it again." Then exclaimed to him. Blaise looked at them, got up and left.
"What the hell!" Blaise muttered to himself as he was walking down the hall.
"It might be working better than we thought though!" He heard one of the twins exclaim.
"Hopefully." Harry laughed.
"Please she'll be back in no time." Ron said.
"Hey!" Blaise yelled to them. They looked at him.
"Zabini." Ron hissed to him. He hated Slytherins. HATED!
"Hermione can I talk to you?" Blaise asked ignoring Ron as much as he could from Ron's mean remarks that he was saying under his breath.
"Yeah sure." Hermione said.
"I'll meet you guys in the coming room." She told the boys she was with. They went to the common room Ron still muttering.
"What's wrong?" She asked as they sat in myrtles bathroom.
"What do you think your doing?" Blaise asked her. She looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" She asked him.
"Why are you kissing Fred in front of Pansy, why are you pretending to date him. What kind of little evil plan do you have?" Blaise asked her, concerned for her and for Pansy.
"I don't want to see Pansy dating someone!" She yelled to Blaise in an ashamed way.
"Why you broke up with her she should be able to move on?" Blaise asked concerned.
"It was break up with her or the whole school knew and if the whole school knew who knows what her family would do?" Hermione told him crying now.
"Hermione, she's only dating Theo for you to come back to her." Blaise told her. He knew it was a bad idea but nobody listened to him.
"Really?" She asked getting mad now.
"Yeah, she shouldn't of done that I tried to tell her not to." Blaise explained.
Word count: 1000

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