Chapter 11

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Ahsoka sat in the cell alone. They had taken Anakin away a while ago and now she was left alone with no one but herself and her memories.

(8 years ago)

"Come on Snips just try to lift it?" Anakin pleaded with the little girl who was sitting on the floor with her arms across her chest.

"Noooooo! We've been lifting rocks all day! I already know how to lift rocks! I want to learn how to fight!" She argued.

Anakin sighed and channeled as much of Obi Wan's knowledge that he could.
"Ahsoka our duty as Jedi are to be keepers of the peace. Not as soldiers."

"But your a solider?" Ahsoka grunted in a frustrated tone.

"I know it's confusing, it's confusing for me too."
"Confusing? Try mind boggling!" She exclaimed in an exasperated tone.

Anakin chuckled. For a 7 year old She sure was dramatic.
"Alright fine." He sighed handing her a stick from the corner of the room.

"Why can't I use a real one?" She pouted.
"Because I said so." Anakin said and a very much fatherly way.

Moving Ahsoka's arms in a fighting position he drew his lightsaber and took the same pose as her.

"These are your fighting forms they will be some of the most important things you will ever learn in your training." Anakin informed her.

"One." He called out before changing his pose to a different one and Ahsoka followed suit with a smile.
"Good, Two."

He changed his pose and Ahsoka followed perfectly.

"Doing great little'un!" Some of the clones called out across the room, and Ahsoka responded with a proud smile.
"Doing great Ahsoka." Anakin told her with a smile as they continued to go through the forms.

(Present time)

"It is time for your trial with the Jedi Council." Admiral Tarkin announces pulling Ahsoka out of her daydream.

Ahsoka sadly stood up and walked towards the cell door with her arms stretched outwards so as to receive the handcuffs that they would soon put on her.

The guards pushed her down the hall and lead her all the way to the temple where she was greeted by a distressed Anakin.

"Hey Snips." He whispered to her softly with a forced smile as the guards lead her to her inevitable doom.

Once inside the chamber of judgement Ahsoka looked at Anakin with an apologetic look before finally whispering.
"Wish me luck."

"Padawan Tano serious charges have been levied against you. How plead you?" Grand Master Yoda questioned Ahsoka as she was ascended in the air.

"Not guilty masters. I would never take the lives of innocents. The ways of the Jedi are sacred to me." She replied trying her best to keep herself calm.

"What do you have to say for the Murder of Letta Turmond?" Master Windu questioned next.

"I did not kill that woman. She was killed by way of the force but it was not I who used it against her." Ahsoka quickly answered.

"We find that very hard to believe." Windu replied placing his hands on the podium in front of him.

"I'm telling the truth I would never bomb the own place I call home." Ahsoka pleaded.

"All of the evidence points to you. You gave Letta the bombs who fed them to her husband. And once she started to uncover your plot you got rid of the loose ends." Master Ki Un Mundi exclaimed as if coming to the realization of what really happened.

"Are you even listening to me?! Or are you just to blind to see?! You are choosing pleasing the senate over my life when I am the innocent one! You are making a mistake!!" Ahsoka exclaimed before Master Yoda began to give the results.

"Come to a conclusion we have.
Though not in total agreement are we." Master Yoda sadly said.

"It has come to our conclusion that Padawan has committed sedition against the republic. And in punishment she will be expelled from the order." Master Windu exclaimed glaring at Ahsoka.


Anakin was holding every inch of Will he had to not scream at the very moment.

"Your military and padawan status will be stripped of you." Master Mundi read as the guards roughly grabbed the padawan chain from Ahsoka's head and ripped it off.

"Henceforth you are barred from the Jedi Order."

Ahsoka couldn't help but let a few tears slid as Anakin embraced her for a few short moments before being pulled away from her in tears.

Sad chapter but there was a little fluff in the beginning.

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