Chapter one

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  It was 7 am on a Friday when Ares's alarm went off "ring, ring" went her alarm clock in annoyance she threw her alarm clock like every morning into her wall that was just a few feet away from her "THUNK, CHING" went the clock as it hit the wall then went tumbling down to the floor. after throwing her alarm clock, Ares quickly realized it was 7:30! as Ares was getting dressed, she heard a yell from down stairs it was her mother, Melissa Mitchel calling for Ares "Ares honey, Breakfast!" in a flash Ares BOLTED down the stairs after yelling back to her dear mother "Coming, mom" as she got to the bottom of the stairs she quickly grabbed her back pack and said "Good morning mother, and father" and sat down and started eating pancakes and eggs with a glass of orange juice. Her father Leo Mitchel was a known construction worker who worked for extreme architects that build amazing buildings. Her father looked over at Ares and smiled seeing Ares got some syrup on her face from the pancakes and said "Ares honey, You have some syrup on your chin" Ares looked back and chuckled a little as she wiped the syrup off her face and got up from the table grabbing her back pack, grabbing her lunch that her mother Melissa packed as she was eating her breakfast, she hugged her mother good bye and her mother said "Have a great day at school sweetie" Ares smiled as she walked out and headed to the bus stop as she was passing her neighbor, Mr. white, he waved and said "Have a great day Ares"  Ares turns around and replies "You too, Mr. white"  as soon as she gets to the bus stop the bus moments later arrives, Ares boards the bus to school as she gets on she is greeted by many people, then a few minutes later she arrives at school. As Ares was getting home from school she seen her mother and father talking in the kitchen but as she shut the front door the conversation ceased and she went up stairs thing to herself "Why did my parents stop talking as soon as i shut the front door? what are they hiding?"  After a long day of school and about 30 minutes of thinking she decided it was time for her to go downstairs to watch some TV as she was walking into the hall way she hear a sound that seemingly sounded like whispering as she drew closer to the sound it got louder what once was whispering was loud talking she opened her parents door where the sound was coming from and as she was going to investigate her mother yelled up the stairs "Ares, dinner!" the sound of her mother calling scared Ares and she jumped and left the room closing her parents rooms door quietly and quickly then walking down stairs biting at the bit to just confront her parents but, she knew if her parents found out she went into their room she would be punished cause they don't like Ares going into their room. 

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