The new baby

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(A/N: still in Oliver's pov)

When mama announced the pregnancy three years ago I was shocked and excited. I get to be a big brother! No one ever told me being a big brother was so hard!

He's so annoying! Always in my stuff, in my room, touching everything! He cries all the time when he doesn't get his way. He constantly tells on me. I can't do anything about it! It's always "Ollie he's smaller than you", "Oliver he's just a kid.", "Ollie stop picking on the baby."

Take him back I don't want him!

I'm twelve, and he's three. Nine years between us. Ryley is nineteen, seven years between me and sixteen years between Alex.

"Ollie can you watch Alex for a bit? Me and mama have to run some errands and it's almost his nap time." Ryley asks, sticking his head in my door. "Do I have a choice?" I ask grumpily. "No." Ryley smiles and ushers Alex into my room. "Be good for Ollie." Ryley said softly. "Otay." He smiles. He knows he's cute.

"Bubby!" Alex yells happily. "What?" I groan. "Wanna play with me?" He asks hopefully. "No. Go find something to do." I said harshly, maybe too harshly. "You no like me?" He sniffled and looked up at me with teary eyes. "That's not what I meant. Look, big brother doesn't want to play right now so you're going to have to find something else to do, ok?" I ask gently. He wipes his eyes and nods. "No more tears, you're a big boy." I said, gently wiping his face. He nods his head again.

It's been about twenty minutes since I sent him away. Its quiet, too quiet. Oh no. I rush out of my room to see what he's doing. I run down the hall to his room first, no Alex. Bathroom, no Alex. Ryley's room, no Alex. He's not in mama's room either. I run downstairs and see him sitting in the floor by the wall. "Alex!" I yelled making him jump. I walked over to him and see his 'artwork' on the wall. Drawn in no other than sharpie. "Alexander!" I yell louder. He looks at me and starts to cry. "Bubby don't like it?" He asks between tears. "No! No I don't like it! You drew on the wall in permanent marker!" I yelled angrily. That only made him cry harder.

I take a few deep breaths before pulling him off the floor gently. "Go to timeout!" I ordered sternly. He sniffled but ran to sit in the timeout chair we put in the corner. I disagreed with that because everytime I'm put in the corner I have to stand.

I was too busy in scary big brother mode, that I forgot that I'm a little brother too. And Ryley is going to kill me when he sees this! "Look what you did! Ryley is going to kill me!" I groan. Alex whimpers from the corner and the mention of Ryley.

I don't know why he's scared! He doesn't get spanked because he's "too little" even though I got my first spanking when I was two. Alex has seen and heard me getting spanked and always asks if he's going to be spanked too. To which the answer is always no.

"Stop crying and come here." I said angrily. He shook his head rapidly. "Yes Alex, come here." I said slightly less harsh. "N-no bubby! I don't want spankin'!" He cried. "Alex I'm not going to spank you. Come here and clean up the mess." I sighed frustrated. As much as I want to spank him, Ryley and Mama would kill me.

He waddled his way towards me. I picked him up and plopped him down in front of his graffiti. "You put all the caps on the markers and put them back where you got them. I'm going to see if I can find something to get this off." I said firmly. He nodded obediently. I went to the kitchen to see if I could find something to get the marker off the wall. I tried so many cleaning products but the most that happened is I got it to fade slightly. "Ok great. This isn't working." I sighed to myself. "Sorry." He sniffles. "You should be sorry. Once Ryley gets home I'm dead." I snapped. "He gonna kill bubby?" Alex asks innocently. "No, but he's gonna beat my butt." I said, catching myself before I cussed. The last thing I need is him to go around saying "ass."

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