Chapter 2: The Hospital

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"Push Lila, push!" The nurse, whose name Lila couldn't remember through the pain. Today was the day her daughter would be born– yet she wished Matthew was here to experience. When her water broke, she had to drive to the hospital herself. Her parents refused to be there for this child, and since by the time her parents found out it was already too late to abort.

"She's crowning! You got this Lila, push push push!" Lila pushed as hard as she could. Memories of Matthew leaving her a few months ago along with her parents abandonment made her push harder and harder until eventually a cry rang around the room. The cry of her daughter.

"Wow.. she's beautiful Lila." She tried to catch her breath as sweat ran down her face. All of the stress, anxiety, and worry she was feeling vanished when she looked at her baby girl's eyes. The nurse handed her over. She was so warm, so bright, and full of curiosity. Lila smiled, feeling the connection they have. They were going to conquer the word together.

Lila looked around at her nurses, who were smiling. Then she remembered who wasn't here. Matthew. Her parents. Her friends. Nobody close to her is here. Those dreams about having her family and husband there with her – gone. Nobody else would hold her, and her daughter wouldn't have a father figure either. Lila started to feel herself starting to cry, her tears running down her cheek and onto her neck.

"Are you okay?" The nurse came over and held onto Lila as she cried. Cried for the husband who wasn't here, cried for the family she thought she had, and cried for her baby girl who won't grow up with a normal family.

Once they gave Lila and her daughter were ready to go, she carried her out of the hospital. When they were checking out, the lady at the front desk asked, "What is her name? She's beautiful." Lila smiled. She looked down at her baby girl, her eyes closed and sleeping peacefully. She sighed.

"Honestly? I have no idea." After all of those hours spent looking through cute baby boy and girl names, she never decided. She looked around the hospital while the lady was typing on her computer, putting in the details before she checked out. Lila heard someone running behind her, their shoes loud against the tiled hospital floors. She looked behind her and saw a man running with a bokay of flowers – daisies to be exact.

"M-my wife, she's in labor. Her name is Daisy. Tall, brown hair, extremely stubborn." He smiles and shakes his head, but his eyes are still showing anticipation and stress. The lady at the front desk looks over and nods. She continues to type while Lila looks at him. His hair is a mess, strands out of place. He's wearing a professional work shirt, but sweatpants. She laughs to herself. He looks at the flowers in his hand, and notices a tiny head from below. She sees her daughter, wide eyed, reaching for the flowers. The man notices, and smiles at her. He plucks one from his bokay and hands it to her. While the man does this, the lady at the front desk turns to him.

"Sir.. I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like your wife passed away giving birth." She glanced at me, and then looked back at me. His hand drops with the flowers in it as he looks at the roof and shakes his head.

"The uh baby, your son, still lives though as your wife got him out in time. If you would like to see him, you can." Tears start to pour from his eyes as he drops down on his knees. Only if he left earlier, he would of been by her side holding her hand. He cries for the time he couldn't spend with her, cries for the things he wanted to do with her, and cries for the future that they both wanted that has been cut short. Lila looks at her daughter, and back to him. She smiles a bit. She kneels down next to the man and rubs his back as he continues to sob getting people passing by to stare.

"I'm so sorry for your life, sir. I'm sure she's happy and will be with you and your son in spirit." The man looks up at her, his eyes red and his nose puffy. He nods, hiccuping. Lila gets up and looks at the lady who has tears in her eyes.

"I know what my daughter's name will be." The lady nods, and looks at her expectantly.

"Her name will be Daisy."

The man looks up at Lila again, appreciation in his eyes. She smiles down at him.

"I'm sure your wife was powerful and smart. I wish for my daughter to be the same, even without a father figure." The man nods, and stands up. He reaches over and hugs Lila. She hugs him hard, understanding the feeling of loneliness and abandonment.

He whispers, "Thank you so much." Lila only hugs him harder.

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