Chapter 9: Russian Roulette

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Connor's POV

"Hello, Amanda."

"Connor, I've been expecting you. Would you mind a little walk?"

I walk up to her and open the umbrella that I'm carrying. I put it over both our heads to cover us from the rain as we start walking.

"That deviant seemed to be an intriguing case. A pity you didn't manage to capture it."

Amanda ↓

"Deviants are completely irrational, which makes it difficult to anticipate their behavior but I should have been more effective," I explain.

"Did you manage to learn anything?"

I decided to start with the signs on the walls. "The walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols. Like the other deviants, it seemed obsessed with rA9."

"What else?"

"I found its diary, but it was encrypted. It may take weeks to decipher."

"You came very close to capturing that deviant..." She pauses for a bit. "How is your relationship with the Lieutenant developing?"

"He seemed grateful that I saved his life on the roof. He didn't say anything, but he expressed it in his own way. Although we did lose (Y/n) in the process." I say and look down. I'm pretty sure my LED is flickering yellow at this point.

Amanda looks at me strangely but brushes it off. "The only thing that matters is your mission. Don't let that child distract you from it... or we'll have to take her out of the equation."

'I won't let that happen! Maybe if I say something she likes then she'll back off.'

"I will solve this investigation, Amanda. I won't disappoint you."

"A new case just came in. Find Anderson and investigate it." She tells me before walking away as I watch her.


"You have reached your destination. Thank you for traveling with Detroit Taxis. We look forward to seeing you again soon." The taxi says as the doors open for me.

I step out in front of Hank's house and look around. I walk up to his front door and ring the doorbell. I get no response. I ring the doorbell again but a lot longer this time. Still no response. I decide to walk around and look inside of his windows to see if he's home. I look through his kitchen window and see Hank unconscious on the ground.

"Lieutenant Anderson?"

'Please be okay.'

I break his window with my elbow and jump in, falling on the broken glass. I'm immediately met by Sumo as he comes over to me, ready to attack.

"Easy!... Sumo. I'm your friend, see? I know your name. I'm here to save your owner." I tell him nervously.

'Please don't attack me. Please don't attack me.'

Sumo then walks away and over to his food bowl.

'Okay then.'

I walk over to Hank to check on him.

'He's obviously not taking (Y/n)'s disappearance well.'

I scan Hank. He had a gun and a bottle of whiskey lying near him. He's still breathing though so that's a relief.

'Ethylic coma suspected.'

"Lieutenant?" I tap his cheek lightly only to get a grumble out of him. "Wake up, Lieutenant!" He only opens his eyes but then closes them once again. I slap him hard. "It's me, Connor!" I take his hand and help him up. "I'm going to sober you up for your own safety."

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