Chapter 74

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Crystals POV•

We slept most the day so the next day we decided to go to universal and take Lexi to all the fun rides and then we would take her to see Cinderella and the other princesses another day.

"Come on Lexi please stop acting up, if you continue to act like this, we won't go no where." I said trying to get her to put on her clothes but she was acting crazy and I couldn't get her to calm down.

So she continued on..

"Fine that's it we're not going." I said loosing my patients and she immediately stopped and sat on the bed but I had already walked away. I slightly started to hear her cry but I went into my room and sat myself on my bed.

"What happened? Why is she crying?" Cam said coming out from the bathroom and her cries got louder.

"Well she wasn't listening to me so I told her were not going anywhere."

"Crystal seriously she's 4 years old. Have patients babe." He said putting on his shirt and deodorant.

"THEN YOU GO DEAL WITH HER!" I was so upset and impatient. My blood was fuming and I felt a slight head ache coming on from the anger.

"Alright I will calm down." He said walking out of the room and I heavily finished getting myself ready.

Cameron's Pov•

I don't know what her problem was or why she was such in a pissy mood but I wasn't letting that get to us while we were on vacation. So I went into Lexi's room and while she was crying on the side of her bed I walked over and picked her up.

I placed her on the bed and kneeled down in front of her while her tiny feet dangled along then side and she started wiping tears off her eyes.

"Hey you, what's going on. Why you crying?"

"b-b-because m-m-mommy s-s-said that we.."

"No, Lexi I can't understand you like that baby, you have to stop crying." She cleared her throat and stopped sobbing.

"Mommy said we can't go anywhere." She said in between breaths.

"Well were you listening to mommy?" I said tying her shoes and looked up to her to see her little head shake no.

"See, if you don't listen to mommy, you're going to make her upset and then she's not going to want to take you anywhere. Do you want that?" I finished tying her shoes and looked at her again.

She shook her head no again still wiping off her tear from her little fragile face.

"Okay so you have to listen to mommy okay?"

"Okay." Lexi said with her squeaky toddler voice.

"Alright, now go tell mommy your sorry and give her a big kiss and hug for me." She smiled and gave me a big hug and then ran into my room.

I followed behind her and saw her say sorry to Crystal and Chrissy smiled looking at her and gave her a big hug. She silently lipped me 'thank you' and I went over to give her a hug to.

"You good mommy?" I said sarcastically laughing and pecking a small kiss on her lips.

"Yes daddy thank you." She said laughing and I kissed her one more time before we got our stuff and headed out to universal studios.

Crystals POV•

When we arrived at the theme park it was so big. So pretty. And extremely hot. We had a stroller to put Lexi in because I knew she was going to get cranky once she was tired.

When we got into the park there were people dressed up in the characters Lexi knows from her shows and when she saw them, she went crazy.

We had to take pictures with at least 5 different people for her and I've never seen her so excited to see them in her life.

We walked around some more and there was a ride Lexi wanted to go on so we had to wait in a line to get in. The line was inside and it was cool so that was good.

"Babe do you have the map, I'm hungry I want to see what's around so we can eat."

"Yeah I have it." I reached into the stroller to give it him and when I stood up to hand it to him, I saw him staring at something like he had seen a ghost. Lexi was in his hands and he had put her down.

"Cam? You okay." I said waving my hand in his face but he ignored me.

"Cam!" I said again and he blinked looking at me.


"What's going on, you okay?" I said and he still continued to look the way he was staring and I even looked to see what he was looking at but I didn't see anything.

"Umm, I think I just seen my mom." He said breathing heavily and I couldn't believe it.

The line moved forward and we were being seated to the ride. It was a small ride just a little car moving.

When we got off the ride I'd seen Cam looking around the crowd, looking to see her.

"Are you sure it was her? How do you know for sure." I said and Lexi jumped in the stroller.

"It was her, I know it was her." He said and we continued walking.

A/n~ Please comment if I need to improve on this book. I'm sorry if it sucks😪. I just don't feel like it's good anymore. I love you all though❤️

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