𝓐𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓪 𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰

356 41 21

Edited by AyeshaDamar

Third person's pov

"Now where is she? " Ayesha groaned looking at her wrist watch. Its already been like twenty minutes since she was sitting in the cafe.

"Is she in the washroom? But then who takes so long in a public washroom.'' She said to herself.

Pulling out her mobile phone from the bag she dailed Ahira's number exiting the cafe.
Getting in the car she waited for her to take the call but she didn't.

"Damn it! Where is she?" She groaned. Igniting the engine she drove to Ahira's house hoping to see her there.

"Hi Rinoz" She smiled at Rinoz who opened the door.

"Hi sis, come in" Rinoz smiled back at her.

"Where is Ahira? " Ayesha enquired settling on the couch

"I don't know I just came home now. Perhaps in her room" She informed going into the kitchen.

"Here" I looked up at rinoz who was holding a glass of juice.

"Assalamu alaikum" We turned towards the source of voice. Seeing Azlaan standing at the door way I smiled politely at him.

"Wa alaikum salam"

"Oh good that Ahira called you here otherwise she was admant on going out" Azlaan said to Ayesha.

"Um.. No we were about to meet at the cafe only but she didn't come and besides I was late by half an hour so I thought to check on her" Ayesha informed.

"Ahira" Azlaan summoned her.



"Why are you shouting Azlaan?" Inquired Azlaan's mom coming out of her room.

"Ayesha what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to meet Ahira in the cafe? Where is Ahira? " Asked Azlaan's mom seeing Ayesha.

"Ahira is not at home? "Asked Ayesha and Azlaan together.

"No. She was supposed to meet you in the cafe." Said the old woman.

"Yeah but she wasn't there when I reached the cafe. In face I even waited for her around 20 minutes but there was no sign of her" Ayesha exclaimed.

"Let me call her " Azlaan said taking his phone out.

Azlaan called multiple times but all the calls went unanswered."Why is she not picking the phone ?" Azlaan frowned.

"Even I tried calling her many times but all in vain" Ayesha sighed, plopping down.

"Allah keep my daughter safe" Cried Azlaan's Mom.

"Nothing will happen Mom. She will be alright. Maybe she went for a walk or something" Rinoz tried consoling her mother and said the last part to her brother.

"Why is everyone so tensed?" Azlaan's dad entered the house.

"Ahira is missing"

"You guys called Ahaan?" He asked.

"I'll call him" Ayesha said and went out taking her mobile phone.

"Hello?" Ahaan said receiving the call.

"Ahaan is Ahira with you?" Ayesha enquired.

"No I'm still in work" Ahaan informed.

"Is everything alright?" He added.

"No, Ahira is missing"

"What ?" Ahaan exclaimed.

Ayesha informed Ahaan how she and Ahira were supposed to meet at the cafe but Ahira didn't came and how no one knows where is she.

"I am coming there right now" He said and ran towards the parking lot.

Bringing the engine to life he drove to Azlaan's house all the while looking here and there for Ahira.


"I guess its enough, now we should go" Azlaan said.

"Yes and according to me we should also file a complaint" Ahaan said and Azlaan agreed.

"God forbid, what if something happened to her" Azlaan's mom sobbed.

"Mom don't say such things" Azlaan yelled at the old woman who was a crying mess.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to our Ahira" Keeping a hand on his shoulder Ahaan said. He showed himself to be strong but he wasn't. He was scared to lose his only family.

"I'll come with you guys" Ayesha opened her mouth for the first time in these five hours.

"No Ayesha. You should go home. Its already ten and its not safe. I'll call Sufyaan" Taking out his phone Ahaan dailed her brother's number.

"I'm not going" Ayesha yelled taking everyone off guard.

"Woah! Calm down lioness. At least inform your family" Ahaan said handing her the phone.

"I'll go and file the complain by the time" Azlaan's dad said.

Everyone was all ready to go. Getting in the car Ahaan brought the engine to life and started the journey.

Roaming around the city they looked for her in every possible place.

"Where to go now?" Ayesha sighed.

"Cafe. Lets go to that cafe where you'll were supposed to meet" Azlaan said.

"Bu its ten thirty. They will be closing it by now" Ayesha said.

"Lets try" Saying this Ahaan sped towards the cafe.

"Look around everywhere" Azlaan said and went towards the backside.

"Um.. Wait" Ahaan said.

"We don't have time Ahaan" Azlaan informed.

"See there" Ahaan pointed towards something with a smile.

Um.. What do you think? What do think Ahaan saw? Ahira? Or something else?
I know am late... Because of the editing! Now the update will be regular as in with a gap of one day ❤✨

Lets wait till the next update!

Until then recommend this story to others and enjoy reading it ❤

Happy reading📖

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