Part 26

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I searched the house, trying to find where Kol had gone. Walking into a lounge room, his head turned to me.

"What are you playing?" I asked, confused as to what he was playing.

"A game." He shrugged turning back to the screen. I watched as he shot people, blood and heads splattering on the screen. I pulled a face, shaking my head.

"I'm heading out...." I said watching him kill a few more people, my face morphing with disgust. How one can play such games was beyond me. then again, Kol was a vampire and has probably done worse in real life. The game paused, Kol turning back to me.

"Where?" he asked.

"I have work.....small gig down town, bartending." I answered.

"How long?" he asked, head tilting to the side. I pulled my eyes from the screen and looked at him with a raised brow.

"A few hours." I shrugged.

"Let me...." I shook my head quickly. His brow arched at me.

"I will be home no later than 8pm." He sighed.

"Alright." He nodded. I cocked my finger at him.

"Kiss?" I smiled, he walked over, wrapping his arms around me and drawing me close. I tilted my head up, he smiled down at me.

"I love you." He said. I felt my heart flutter.

"I love you more." I answered. Kol scoffed, laughing at me.

"Doubtful." He responded. Before I could reply he leaned down, melding our mouths together. Minutes later, I heard a disgusted noise being made. I pulled away, seeing Lilly walk in with Hope in her arms. She had a hand over Hope's eyes.

"Gross." Lilly said. My lips twitched up, loving that she was here with me.

"Jealous." I replied, turning back to Kol with a smile. "But I must leave." I pecked his cheek and walked over to Lilly and Hope.

"Bye my beautiful little girl.......bye sexy mumma." Kissing both on the cheek. I left, hoping that Kol would spend some time with Hope and getting to know her.

I had been at work for a few hours, I had only an hour to go when I started to feel my head getting fuzzy. I grabbed a hold of the counter, trying to steady myself.

"If I don't get what I want, little Gilbert dies."

My head whipped around, frowning at hearing Klaus's voice. when I looked up, I could not see him anywhere. I frowned, shaking my head. Weird.

"How should I kill you, little Gilbert? Rip you to pieces? Rip your throat out.....maybe I will turn you?"

My heart was pounding, dread washing through me. I tried to look for Klaus, more and more people were coming through the door. I squinted, trying to see Klaus or any other Mikaelson. I had no luck, coming up with no one. I shook my head, proceeding with wiping down the bench. As I finished my shift, I head back for the compound a few streets away. I had gotten off a little early and decided I wanted to try and sort through that weird episode before seeing anyone.

"Time's up, little Gilbert." I felt a hand on my shoulder, screaming, my hand instinctively wrapped around the wrist and I siphoned whoever it was. I could feel this power entering my body, giving me a boost. My heart was racing, both fear and excitement raced through my body as I kept on siphoning. My body was moving, I ran as fast as I could, having no idea where I was even going. As I was running, I could see a flash beside me. I screamed, trying to move, and somehow ended up feeling pain explode in my head as darkness took me.

I groaned, waking up, feeling leaves around me. I hissed in pain, feeling the back of my head. There was this warm sticky stuff. Pulling it away, I saw that it was blood. I hissed out in pain, touching the wound. Tears pricked my eyes as I pushed myself into a sitting position. I tried to remember what I was doing out here. The last thing I remember was finishing work and walking home. I slowly turned my head; I was nowhere near the compound. My head throbbed, I got to my feet, swaying a little. I reached out, feeling a tree beside me. I leaned against it, trying to support myself.

"Jordan?" I heard my name; I knew that voice. I smiled, looking up as Kol's worried face came into view. He stilled for a second and I frowned.

"Kol?" I cleared my throat, the throbbing in my head getting worse. I clutched my head, groaning in pain. I looked up, Kol had not moved, instead I saw the black veins under his eyes appearing as his fangs popped out. My heart was beating faster in my chest.

"Kol?" I tried again, worried that something was wrong. His eyes were never leaving my throat. As I went to speak, a flash was beside Kol, before I knew it, Kol was laying on the ground an awful crack.

I felt my knees weakening and I dropped to the ground. suddenly I was being hauled into the air.

"Let's get you home." The last thing I heard as I felt this darkness take over.  

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