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This one was requested as one of the latest ones by Tsundere-Vasiliki, (you're awesome and ily by the way) but I haven't done a MegaPvP one yet, so I thought I might as well do that :)

Hope it's okay!

To people who have suggested but it hasn't come out yet, they are in the works, don't worry! :)

Italics is Mega writing/typing


(not proofread)

Exactly 5 years ago, the best thing that would ever happen to you, happened. 

Exactly 5 years ago, the tables finally turned in your favor, and you stood with something so valuable, both in your everyday life, but also something that you could always count on; something that you never wanted to let go. 

Exactly 5 years ago, you met your now best friend MegaPvP. And to think it was through a stupid win in a Minecraft minigame, a chat room on Discord with many, many texts of either you or Mega spamming one another until the other finally answered and the magical language of sarcasm that the two of you primarily used to communicate with one another.

Mega was a really silent dude, everybody could tell you that, one that you had to know to be able to read and not just the messages he sent when he wanted to talk to people. No, if you wanted to really read Mega and the hidden words behind the ones he wrote, get to know him and all of that, patience was the key. 

And patience, you sure had given away for Mega. In fact, you had been drained dry of it.

You hadn't pressured him into anything he didn't want to do, despite the many times you had wrote a long ass paragraph of how you wanted him to always feel safe around you and that you wouldn't care if he sounded, or looked, ugly, because he was still your friend Mega. The friend you maybe... Kind of really liked. As more than just buddies.

But it had eventually come down to one thing; when it came to Mega, communicating through words was just a simple action of conveying. It could be done by anyone. But what Mega really needed was to know for sure that someone would stick around. 

To him, words could sometimes mean nothing. And other times they could mean everything. 

But something he could never fail to receive the message of, was if you showed him that you cared through actions. It had gotten you a lot further than anything you had ever achieved before. 

And once you found the key to MegaPvP's heart, he let you in immediately. 

A friendship so magnificent and glamorous, one that had started out with just a single seed planted in the ground, had now blossomed into a fruity, big and majestic tree. Every green leaf was a new memory, one that would stay on the tree for as long as it didn't wither away, and every dead stick that fell towards the ground was your downfalls, where the road had seemed to be too bumpy to even pass. And for each day there went by, the tree grew and the branches starting to get out of control with all of the good memories that would soon blossom on the offshoots. 

The roots had long ago spread throughout the ground, keeping the whole tree stable. You and Mega were the roots. 

You helped each other, supported one another, kept all of the dead sticks, blossomed leaves and the uncontrollable branches somewhat intact and under control.

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