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tick, tick, tick

octavia kept her eyes on the ceiling, the sound of her ring tapping against the metal bed frame echoed in the room.

she could feel swift strokes of wing against the cuts on her fingers. they weren't too deep, but they stung.

she brought her left hand up to her face and moved her hair that cascaded to cover her eyes.

it was comforting, the small ticks. it kept her level headed, she couldn't afford to attack another guard.

while she was only seventeen she couldn't risk it. the councel started to get... flimsy, if you were close enough to eighteen and committed a crime they could float you, even though the law says eighteen.

she waited, not very patiently, for guards to come and take her for work detail. while nygel wasn't very... pleasant during the morning, she would get human interaction.

if monty and jasper could be counted as humans.

she didn't even understand it fully, why they would let criminals do actual work, more then likely so they didn't have to pay them. either way, she wasn't complaining, not really.

monty and jasper were funny, they were good company all things considered. they annoyed the fuck out of her but, it was light hearted.

octavia was broken out of her thoughts by the sound of the big, entirely too big, doors of her cell opening, two guards comming into her cell.

she got up off of her bed and pulled on her boots, sure she was a criminal but she didn't wear shoes on furniture, if you could call a lumpy mattress furniture.

she followed the two guards over to her work detail, it was in alpha station, on of the closets to the prision cells.

she could already hear nygel bitching by the time she arrived to the hallway in which the room was located.

"no you idiot! the red ones are good, the black ones are bad!"

octavia figured it was aimed at jasper, he wasn't the brightest. got caught stealing pharmaceuticals, he probably used them to get high. octavia's never been high, but from what monty and jasper tell her, she wants to be.

she settled down at her work station and started the strip the wires.

she would take the razor blade and slice across the top of it, occasionally snipping a finger or two. she could do it away from her, and she did for a short while but monty almost got a razor blade to the eye.

no so much fun.

she would get the green wire, the red wire, and the black wire exposed before carefully cutting the red wire from the bottom and placing it in a small bucket.

apparently they needed them for like hydro-generators, but she didn't understand how they were still viable. if the electric current was already broken then it shouldn't be able to carry another one.

apparently not because she's been getting red wires for about a month.

thats how long she's been a prisoner, almost a month. she was surprised she had made it that far, though.

spending seventeen years under the floor without getting caught? impressive.

her brother told her that she had to hide down there because a family was only allowed one kid, to save resources.

but her mom had two, and if anyone found out she would be in juvenile holding untill her eighteenth birthday and then she would be floated, her mom would be too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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