4~ continuation/Finns Pov of the day

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Finn POV
"Dude who was that girl she's pretty" jack asked "oh, the girl i was telling you about after my flight" i said jack asked for her number "yeah, sure" we went to his apartment (in this weird universe jack lives in NY instead of LA)  "dude wanna play mario cart" jack said, i said "sure man" 30 minutes in and i already beat him 5 times "hey that's not fair you cheated" jack said while being a sore loser I said "its not my fault you suck remember pobodys nerfect"(get what I did there) "ugh,ok I'm done wanna watch a scary movie" jack said while with defeat in his eyes why am I smiling I said "High School Musical definitely " jack said "ok" i started to go on my phone and wanted to text Krystal so I did (you guys already saw that) she went to bed I guess and I payed attention to the movie and jack was dance to the movie the song was wErE aLl In ThIs ToGeThEr it was hilarious i couldn't stop laughing. The movie ended so we went to my bedroom it was bland the walls were white  with gray bedsheets and a fake plant but it felt homey sorta you know there is so much light and since the apartment is on the top floor there was a lot of light.

 The movie ended so we went to my bedroom it was bland the walls were white  with gray bedsheets and a fake plant but it felt homey sorta you know there is so much light and since the apartment is on the top floor there was a lot of light

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I wasn't tired yet so i wnt to the skate park just to feel free it was in a near by park that go to all the time in when I'm here its sorta my happy place.

Sorry the chapter was so short its just a filler ill make sure to make longer chapters.

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