Chapter 13 - The Institute Pt. 2/5

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Tatsuya P.O.V

     Now, that was...bad, I can't describe it, these guys are evil for sure, can't expect much from those in their 30s, I guess...

     We're all back in the helicopter, we're all wearing the JGSDF formal, probably 3 - 4 more minutes until the helicopter lands.

Tatsuya: "To be honest, I didn't expect you all to be like that all..."

Hyotaru: "Well, sir, you know, most of us are already in our 30s and we ain't as handsome as you, so this is certainly a way to entertain ourselves."

Tatsuya: "I understand, but why....DO YOU ALL HAVE TO DRAG ME INTO A MAID CAFE?"

Soseki: "That's because being both a weeb and being in your squad at the same time is simply awesome and the maid cafe is the best way for us weebs to entertain ourselves, sir, everyone here also thinks the same"

     I looked around, they all nodded, anime lovers or weebs....I don't really hate those but I don't simply like anime's for some reasons..

Tatsuya: "Whatever..."

Hyotaru: "By the way, sir, don't you think you have way too many badges pinned on your chest..? Ranger, Free Fall, Winter Ranger badges, those USNA special forces and ranger tabs, and all those ribbons, you're way too talented, sir."

     Everyone was staring at the badges and ribbons on my formal, even the helicopter crews and the co-pilot.

Tatsuya: "Geez...come on, it's not like I want to wear all of them.., however isn't it the same for you, Hyotaru, you passed those courses along with me."

Hyotaru: "Except the USNA ones, sir."

Soseki: "We know, sir, but at this point we could already consider you the best in SFGp.."

     Everyone was dumbfounded by that sentence, Hyotaru face-palmed, now everyone's attention were on Soseki.

Soseki: "Hey..guys, what's wrong, did I say something wrong?"

Hyotaru: "Well..I can't really blame you since you're new here, however if you haven't already know, the Lieutenant is already considered the best in SFGp and even one of the best if not the best when compared to other countries special forces.."

Soseki: "Oh...I see then, my bad.."

     Then silence sets in, everyone was quite, staring at each other, it was all silent until the pilot broke the silence.

Pilot: "Chitose tower, UH-60JA N430IHB, requesting to land, over."

ATC: "UH-60JA 430IHB, Chitose tower, roger, you're cleared to land, over."

Pilot: "Chitose tower, UH-60JA N430IHB, wilco, out."

     The helicopter then landed on the helipad right next to the runway, the crews opened the doors on the sides and we hopped out.

     I noticed that the Major was already waiting for us down the helipad and I noticed a C-130, ready for takeoff on the runway, we walked down to the major below the helipad.

Tomiji: "Well, Special Lieutenant, I assume you're already ready, then please follow me onto the C-130."

Tatsuya: "Aye aye, sir."

     Whatever happens tomorrow, I am sure it's going to be a mess, the fact that the PSIA and the DIH sends their best agent there means something big is going to happen, that's certain.

Y/n P.O.V

     I opened my eyes, as the alarm clock rings, I assume it's 3:30 am in the morning now, I stood up, however I noticed someone was staring at me from upstairs.

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