Chapter 22-Monster

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Marie P.O.V

"Okay so we heard that you are depressed is that true" Nash asked

"Damn you Shawn" I yelled clearly pissed that Shawn told them after he promised he wouldn't

"Shawn didn't tell us" cam said trying to save shawns butt

"Don't fucking lie to me Cameron Dallas he was the only one I told" I said standing up grabbing my penny board,money,and my phone

"Where are you going" Nash asked but I just ignored him and walked down stairs. Once I got downstairs I started to yell at Shawn

"I fucking trusted you Shawn, you promised you fucking promised" I said yelling and running outside the house. I decided to go to Lilly's house


To Lilly
Hey can I come over?

From lilly
Yeah sure I'm not there right now but Jason is ill tell him your coming over

To Lilly
Kay tell him I'll be there in 5

After that I put my phone in my back pocket and ride to Lilly's house. Once I got to her house I walked in to see Jason sitting on the couch with two of his friends.

"Hey Marie" he said not fully looking at me

"Hi" I said silently

"Yo Marie what's wrong?" He asked when he seen my red and puffy face running over to me

"I told Shawn something and he promised he wouldn't tell cam or Nash,but then he did and so I yelled at him and came here" I said with a big fake smile

"Well okay do you wanna hang out with me James and nick?" He asked

"Umm sure" I said as he sat down on the tiny ass couch with James and nick

"Come on" Jason said waving me over. I ran and jumped on all the boys laying across them when there was a knock on the door. Jason got up making me fall on the ground.

"Dude Marie it's your brother and cam" Jason said whispering

"Tell them I'm not here" I whispered back running up stairs into the guest bedroom that's mine because I'm like here all the time


"marie there gone you can come back down now" nick said coming in my room

"kay" i said walking down the hall with him. I gave nick a slight shove when he shoved me racing me to jason

"I won punk hahahahahahaha" i said sitting in his spot

"fine" he said sitting on me

"okay....okay get off of me i'll give your spot back" i said

"yay" he said sitting down but I just sat down on all of them. Im like really close with jasons friends espicall nick and james there like jasons brothers soo that makes them like my brothers

"ugh mariiieee your heavy" james said grunting

"oh i-im s-sorry" i said standing up and going to the tree house

Lillys P.O.V

I walked into the house to see nick,jason,and james sitting on the couch but marie was no where to be seen

"umm jason wheres marie?" i asked

"oh umm she went into the tree house" he said looking at me then back at the t.v that was on

"okay" i said walking out back and climbing in the tree house to find marie sitting on the couch watching

"hey" i said sitting next to her

"hi" she said turning the t.v off

"hey so we havnt been in the recording studio in awhile do you wanna go?" i asked standing up

"ya but what about jason?" marie asked

"well i think its about time we tell him, i mean he is a really good rapper what if he raps with you in some songs?" i asked marie

"sure as long as nick and james dont find out, i dont want them to know" marie said standing up aswell

"of course" i said

"alright then lets go" marie said going down the tree house rope

Marie P.O.V

Lilly and I walked into the house and up to jason

"hey jason mom said that the boys need to leave for a bit then they can come back" lil said

"okay" jason said "bye boys see you later" he said to nick and james

"alright so why did they need to leave" jason asked turning to us

"because we need to talk to you" i said

"alright" jason said

"alright, come with me" lilly said with me and jason following her into the recording studio

"okay so you know the masked twins right?" i asked jason

"umm ya" he said

"okay, would you like to meet them?" lilly asked

"ya" jason said perking up

"well you just did" I said

"what do you mean" he asked

"we are the masked twins" lilly and I said together, jason just stood frozen

"moooooommmmm" jasin yelled after 3 minutes

"yes jason" mom asked

"the girls say that they are the masked twins" jaso said to brenda

"thats because they are jason and now that you know you cant tell anyone" brenda said jason

"okay so now that that is out to you we need your help" lil said

"with what?" jason asked

"welll we thought that since lilly has streap and cant sing for 3 weeks you and i can sing together, you can rap and i'll sing" i said

"okay but what what song" jason asked when brenda and lilly left the kitchen

"umm I was thinking monster by eminem and rihanna" i said

"alright lets go record"jason said walking to the recording studio with me

"alright kids, ready,set,go" brenda said starting the music


After we recored about 5 times we eat dinner and went to bed.

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