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   It had been a few days since we left Haru and his father along with those people, now we were peacfully flying through the sky just above the clouds that had formed beneath us.
   I was laying on my back with one leg crossed over the other while my fingers brushed against my neck where my necklace used to be. I couldn't believe I actually lost it, I didn't beg the other to go back because we had to keep moving. I kept playing back everything but I just had to assume I lost it when we were fighting the warden on the rig.
Haru told me that he would look for it back in the barn and all the places we went to but I knew it was gone.

   "Those clouds look so soft, don't they?" Katara asked looking down. She was lying on her stomach looking over the edge. "Like you could jump down and land on a big soft cotton-y heap."

"Mmaybe you should give it a try." Sokka said as he carved wood.

"You're hilarious." Katara sarcastically replied.

"I'll try it!" Aang exclaimed and jumped off laughing.
   We all looked over him, watching as he fell disappearing in a cloud and coming back from behind us soaking wet.
   "Turns out, clouds are made of water." He used his air to dry himself.

I was enjoying the view, it was nice seeing land and clouds instead of plain blue waters. Something caught my eye. "Woah." I breathed looking at the dark spot surrounded by green. "What is that?"

"Looks like a scar." Sokka said as we flew towards it. We landed and looked around. "Listen, it's so quiet...there's no life anywhere."

"Well yeah, they have no where to live." I said.

"Aang, are you okay?" Katara asked.

I looked around and the rhino footprints caught my eye, I nudged Sokka. "Fire Nation those evil savages make me sick!" Sokka shouted angrily. "They have no respect for-"

"Shh." Katara said.

"What, I'm not allowed to be angry?" Sokka asked and we looked over at Aang, who fell on his knees with a sigh.

"Why would anyone do this?" He asked. "How could I let this happen?"

"Aang, you didn't let this happen." Katara answered. "It has nothing to do with you."

"Yes it does. It's the Avatar's job to protect nature." Aang replied. "But I don't even know how to do my job."

"That's why we're going to the North Pole, to find you a teacher." Katara told him.

"Yeah a waterbending teacher but there's no one who can teach me to be the Avatar." Aang said. "Monk Gyatso, said that Avatar Roku, would help me."

"The Avatar before you?" Sokka asked. "He died over 100 years ago, how are you supposed to talk to him?"

"I don't know." Aang answered sadly, Momo crawled into his lap.

I felt bad for Aang. "Come on, Katara!" I pulled her to follow me.

"Where are you guys going?!" Sokka asked

"None of your business!" I called back.

   We continued to walk until we made it back to the green area, my eyes were scanning the dirt floors.

"What are we doing here, Kaida?" Katara asked and I looked at the ground, I tossed an acorn at her. "Oh an acorn."

"Yeah!" I nodded and gathered more. "I know it's not much but I hope it will ease him out. I feel bad for him, it's not his fault the Fire Nation turned to the evil side, plus he really is just a kid."

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book one: Water>>Where stories live. Discover now