Chapter 5 - Rumors Only Grow

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Couple days later, Lucy woke up before Lloyd. She brushed her hair out and went upstairs, letting him sleep. It was early anyways, she liked seeing the sunrise. The last bit of peace before a chaotic day.

Lucy stood on the deck, holding herself high enough to see over the railing, and watching as the sun painted bright colors across the sky in it's return.

"Lucy?" Lucy looked up and saw the only other girl on the ship. She had short black hair cut to her chin, a bob. She was also wearing a red kimono. That was Nya.

"Morning Nya."

"Good morning... why are you up so early." She asked.

Lucy pointed at the rising sun. "I like seeing the sunrise. It's pretty."

"Well, Lucy. Want to help me with breakfast?"

Lucy nodded. "Sure." One last glance at the sun and Lucy followed Nya back inside.

Uncle Wu came in with a tired Lloyd.

"I see you are already up." He commented upon seeing Lucy put a plate on the table.


"I told you she gets up early." Lloyd said in annoyance.

"You should too! The sun is prettier in the morning than when it sets!" Lucy told him. "Besides, Nya and I made pancakes!"

She looked up at the older girl who nodded happily.

"Yeah, we did."

Lloyd was suddenly awake. "Pancakes?!"

Lucy laughed and pushed a plate towards her older brother who scarfed down his food.

We laughed lightly and sat down as well. Nya gave him a plate and he thanked her before he began to eat.

"Lloyd, Lucinda—"

"Lucy. I go by Lucy." Lucy interrupted. She then covered her mouth and was about to apologize but Wu just continued.

"Sorry, Lucy. How do you both feel about... helping me with my lesson plan this morning?"

The two agreed and after breakfast, got to work.

Lucy walked into the kitchen where Cole was cooking something.

"Mm-mm! Violet Berry Soup, my culinary achievement. If the recipe is not followed exactly..." He tried a bit, but spat it back out from the taste.

"Hey Cole! By the way, I saw Jay spice things up. I told him not to, but he said your cooking could use it. Bye, Cole!" She skipped off.


Above deck, Zane was working with his laundry when Lucy walked over.

"Hello, Lucy. What brings you up here this fine morning?

"Kai asked me to pick up his Ninja suit. He said he threw it in with your whites." Lucy explained innocently. She searched the laundry and finds it. "Here it is. Thanks!" Lucy waved and walked off.

Zane looked at her confused before pulling out his gi. Which was now bright pink. He couldn't speak his anger, so he scowled.

Lucy and Lloyd were waiting patiently in the bathroom while the ninja were arguing.

"You couldn't just be happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!"

"Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days!"

"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!"

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It's pink!"

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