Bloopers 2

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When everyone started to faint: Horse laugh

Connie: JEAN!

Jean: *On the ground*

Lev: *Checks for any sign of being knocked out/shot*

Jean: *Stifles laughter*

Jean: pfft- pfFT- BWAHAHAHAHA I'M SORRY HAHAHA I'M JUST TOO TICKLISH *Continues laughing like a horse-*

Author-chan: Horseface you idiot......let's try again

Yes I named Levi, Lev on purpose here. Why? Because the manga. 


When Ray's about to set himself on fire

Ray: Bye-bye Emma *Throws match*

Emma: *Tries to catch match but she was a little late so it fell*

The match fell but nothing happened.

Author-chan: I'm so happy we used water for the first shot or the place will be on fire

Emma: Why do I smell something burning? *Looks at Ray*

Ray: What are you looking at me for?!

Author-chan: Because in the memes, you were always related to fire-

Author-chan: Connie said he and a few others will be cooking for us right?

The two children nodded

Author-chan: Well sh*- *Gets cut off my Emma slamming her hand at Author-chan's face*

Emma: Language!

Ray: I guess the food's burning, gee, can't wait to eat burned food or something

Author-chan: Yep. Can't wait.


Behind the scenes: Three demons 

Author-chan: Ohayo! Musica, Songju and the demon that'll be Emma and her friend's pursuers!

Musica: Hello!

Sungju just nodded

Musica: Where is everyone?

Author-chan: The TPN cast were here a while ago and the AOT cast were hiding their lunches....

Demon: They must be hiding from me

Author-chan: Probably

Somewhere behind a cardboard cut out of a t r e e that was near them coincidentally, there was a terrified, hiding little Phil.


Behind the scenes: Nicknames

Ray: Levi-san! Have you seen Emma? I haven't seen her and we're going to be shooting the scene where I try and commit self-burn

Levi: That's a weird way to put it, but I don't know where Antenna is

Ray: Oi! Her name is Emma! Not Antenna!

Levi: Sounds alike

Ray: *Sigh* I'll be off then, see you Levi-san!

Levi: See you, Emo Child Sasuke

Ray flinched and froze for a minute then continued running away.


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