Chapter 6 - Captured

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Lucy was with Nya on the bridge.

"So this panel controls the map of Ninjago?" Lucy asked.

Nya nodded. "Yep."

"Cool. Hey, Nya? Can you fight?"

Nya nodded. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Why do you stay behind then? The boys could use help and you can do it."

Nya chuckled. "I'm not a Ninja. It's always been a boys club, besides, Kai would hate it if I was in direct way harm."

"Oh, yeah Lloyd would probably be the same." Lucy sighed.

"Big brothers. Right?"

"Yeah... Look! Mega Monster A... A-moose-ment Park?"

"Amusement. Serpentine are there." Nya pressed her bracelet. "Stay here, wait a little while and then tell the boys with the intercom." Lucy nodded and Nya ran downstairs.

Lucy waited a bit before she went to the intercom.

"Guys, there are Serpentine at Mega Monster Amusement Park! People need help.... over and out?" She turned off the com and heard the boys leaving.

Over the course of the next few days, Serpentine were everywhere but the Samurai was always there to save the people.

The boys were really angry.

Lucy played video games with Lloyd, read comics, played with Tiana, and she found a book that she was slowly reading.

Kai dropped her and Lloyd off at an arcade.

"Ok, I know it's my turn to look after you, but just play a few games and stay put while I look around. I have a feeling the Samurai may show up." He gave Lloyd some coins.

"Oh, let me help." Lloyd begged.


"Come on. At least drop us off at a decent arcade."

"Sorry, shorty." Kai drove off.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Come on, Lloyd—"

They both stop at the sound of Serpentine.

"I hear he found it. And everyone is gathering again." Lucy and Lloyd looked around the corner at a Serpentine Bus where two snakes were talking while others were boarding it. One of the snakes were Skales.

"Impossible. The Lost City does not exist."

"Well, it isn't lost anymore. Haha. And I heard there's gonna be a fight." Skales said.

"A fight? Count me in."

"All aboard. Next stop, Ouroboros!" Lloyd saw a Serpentine disguise in the window.

"Lucy, stay here—"

"No way! You aren't going after them."

"We can't let them get away!"

"Lloyd, please? We can just call the Ninja."

"... fine. When Cole comes you can tell him about the Serpentine."

"Ok. Come on, I wanna play that racing game."

Lloyd went inside with Lucy, but once he made sure she would be fine there, he snuck off, bought a Serpentine costume, and followed the Serpentine.

Lucy realized Lloyd was gone all to late. She went outside and looked down the alley, the bus was gone and footsteps led to the tracks.

Lucy began to panic, when Cole arrived to pick her and Lloyd up she was freaking out and explained it very quickly. Cole told her he'd get the others after dropping her off at the Bounty.

When the Ninja got back, they arrived without Lloyd. Lucy was even more scared for her older brother but they promised they'd find him. She wanted to go after him herself but they made her promise not to.

Lucky for them, Lucy keeps her promises.

I know it's a short chapter. Sorry!

The chapters will get longer though! I'm working on it.

School is starting back up soon and I'm kinda freaking out cause it's a new school for me and that means new territories. But I'm also going to be in the advanced classes instead of grade level and this school does a block schedule. So I'm just freaking out.

Hopefully I can survive it with good grades though. My Dad wants me and my siblings to do well in school and get scholarships so college is cheaper. But that just makes it more stressful.

Oh look! I went on a tangent. Sorry, I'll try to avoid those in the future.

Love you guys. 💜

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