Arc 2.5 - Reminiscence

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(A/N : I might not update that much starting 2 weeks from now, school is starting soon T-T. Also, slight angst in this chapter.)

Editor : Galaxy723

Leopold woke up dizzy, and the smell of herbal medicine filled the room he was in. He looked around the room, searching for any signs of other people with him. It seems like he was alone. He lifted himself up from the narrow bed, wanting to search for his father. 

He knew what he wanted, he needed to participate in some of his father's businesses and get close with some influential people. Xavier's upcoming banquet is a great chance for him to start. He remembered choosing to learn art.

He walked out of the mahogany door, rushing to his father's office. He stood in front of the door and slowly knocked, hearing his father saying "Come in."

Leopold stared at the Duke, "When can I claim my prize? I won the bet didn't I?"

The Duke slowly nodded, he must've thought that Leopold would want a pony or a new escort to bully so he said, "Give any requests you want."

"Let me become the owner of one of your art museums and jewelry stores so I can start my own business." 

The Duke didn't expect that Leopold would want to start his own business, he changed a lot in the span of a few days. Well, as long as it doesn't endanger his own position, he'll agree to it. 

"Alright, I will write those two in your name. I will inform you when they are ready to be used. Normally the process would take 2-4 days."

Leopold added, "Also, include me in Xavier's banquet. I want to see who's daughter is qualified to be my brother's wife."

"Is that all you want? If so, hurry and get out of my office. You can't make any more requests after you step out of this room." The Duke said impatiently, clearly annoyed by Leopold's antics and with the fact that he lost a bet to him.

"Well, I still have one more thing I want, but I'll tell you later, how does that sound?" Leopold smiled suspiciously, enjoying that the Duke is getting even angrier by the second.

"Fine! Just excuse yourself immediately." 

Leopold felt really satisfied in his heart, he ran away from the Duke's office and went to his room, waiting for the day of the banquet. 

(Hey, Bai Qiu, you there?)

[Yes, Host, what do you need me for?]

(Check the destruction progress bar.)

[It's stuck on 36% Host, but it's okay, you're doing a good job!]

(Fine. Just wait until the banquet, the progress bar will shoot up wildly from there on~)

Bai Qiu silently thought, 'It seems that the Host is up to something evil, ah.'


After a few days, the day of the banquet came. Usually, one would come with an escort but Leopold didn't. It seems like the Duke is trying to spite him. He squinted his eyes, trying to see if the female lead had arrived or not, in this part she should be escorted by handsome guy number four, who was the knight.

The knight is called Marshall, a lot of ladies in the upper-class society didn't like him because of the long hair covering his eyes. They thought he's ashamed of his eyes because they look ugly, so he didn't get approached a lot. But he's quite flirty with attractive people. He swings both ways, hehe.

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