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Inko died while protecting Izuku in a villain attack at the mall. The heroes arrive a couple of minutes after she passed away. This happened when Izuku was five. Bakugo kept on bullying Izuku even though he knew that Izuku's mom died. One day Bakugo said 'Why don't you go crying back to mommy. Oh wait! She left you just like your dad. Guess they didn't want a quirkless crybaby as their child.'  Izuku cracked. He couldn't take it anymore. He ran away angry at heroes for not keeping his mother safe. Izuku's mother was the only person who loved him. Now she's gone. Izuku joined L.O.V and became a villain. He became the number 3 villian right after Overhaul and All For One. His villain name was Deku. The L.O.V was a big family of freaks but they were accepting especially when Izuku came out as being pansexual and loving. After the stain incident, a guy going by the name of Shadow joined the L.O.V. Shadow gained the trust of almost every single L.O.V member.Izuku felt like something was off about him. If only he listened to his gut feeling. After six months, they decided to attack class 1-a again. Shadow was going to meet them there so he went first using his quirk which was the ability to move through shadows undetected and can teleport from shadow to shadow. Turns out Shadow was a hero in disguise and was actually a spy. The L.O.V never felt as betrayed as they did at that moment. The L.O.V retreated and never let anyone else into their family. The L.O.V attacked again after three months. Class 1-a and 1-b were both there. Bakugo recognised Izuku and asked him why he turned into a villain and why he ran away. Izuku went off on a whole tangent about how Bakugo made fun of him for not having a quirk or parents, how the heroes didn't save his mom, the heroes didn't even care about quirk discrimination and how they betrayed their trust and deceived them like seriously who would stoop that low not even the villains would do that.

That's all I have for this idea.
Word count: 370

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