Chapter 2

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 A compulsive fierce teenager, Nate was a natural athlete who took sports lightly, perhaps because they came so easily to him and were an excellent way of venting a temper that lay just below the surface, ready to ignite and blow. He had built around himself an aura, intense yet withdrawn, until he met Marybeth Carlson. Her long dark hair and creamy complexion allowed big brown eyes fringed in heavy black lashes to dominate her gentle, almost pouty face. With her petite build and standing barely five feet tall, Nate saw in her a vulnerability, a beauty he hadn't noticed in other girls.

Marybeth and her mother moved to Tremont over Christmas break, renting a house on the block behind the Stevens. It was the first day back to school when he saw her walking alone. Ahead of him the January wind blew waist length hair about her face, flushed pink from the cold. Huddled in a bulky coat, she looked so tiny and frightened Nate's heart went out to her. He knew it wouldn't be easy being the new girl at the small cliquish school. She was pretty and unfortunately, that wouldn't be a plus. The local girls would be jealous. The boys would talk big and wonder if the city girl put out. No, things wouldn't be easy for her at all.

With these thoughts, Nate impulsively ran up the sidewalk spurred by a protective feeling he didn't understand and boldly touched her slim shoulder. Stopping, she hesitantly turned to look up at him and he was immediately caught in the depths of her soft warm eyes.

Things were different for Nate from that moment on. He instantly became Marybeth's friend, her protector, her companion. She was in several of his classes and the two became inseparable. Where she went, he could be found. The other kids learned quickly to be careful of their judgments where she was concerned especially within earshot of Nate. He was quick to react over the least remark, particularly innuendos that their relationship was more than platonic. He was always victorious, fighting with the same fierce intensity he did everything else.

In April, Nate turned fifteen. His Father didn't acknowledge the event. There were no parties like the other kids had, only Claire fixing his favorite dinner and inviting Marybeth to join them. The young girl contributed by baking a heart shaped cake decorated with pink and red icing, making it look more like Valentine's but for the Happy Birthday, Nate scrawled less than artfully across the top.

"Thanks guys," Nate said with an embarrassed laugh as Marybeth ceremoniously brought the cake, candles aflame, into the dining room followed closely by Mrs. Stevens, bearing two small packages.

Marybeth carefully put the blazing heart on the table and moved her hands to her hips, "Guys! How do you like that? He called us guys!"

Nate said nothing as his mother handed him the two gifts, an amused smile touching her lips.

"You'd think that at fifteen, this guy would know the difference by now," Marybeth chided, shaking her head for emphasis. Noting the blush rise in Nate's cheeks, she grinned mischievously at his mother.

Trying to ignore the two females, Nate lifted one of the packages. There was no card, so he ripped away the wrapping paper, uncovering a box containing a gold I.D. bracelet. His name was engraved in bold block letters on the front and turning it over, he saw the inscription, Forever, M.C. on the back. Keeping his head lowered, he mumbled "Thanks" but didn't look up to see the satisfied expression that spread across Marybeth's angelic face.

"We didn't see any need in cards," his mother offered as he picked up the other box and began unwrapping. "We figured they'd explain themselves."

Nate glanced up at her questioningly as he started to unfold the heavy piece of paper, the sole contents of the second box and letting out a long sigh, he read the certificate for a full year's worth of music lessons.

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