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He wasn't all that special when I kept looking at him. Yeah, he was cute but he was a nerd. I didn't go for nerds but clearly Julia's type was exactly that.

"Seriously?" I asked in disbelief.

"What?" Frida asked. "He's smart and looks decent."

"One glance and I can tell that he can't do shit if someone punches him. Julia can't even protect herself and likes a guy like him who's just a scaredy cat like her."

"It's not like she had hopes of getting with him. She said she wasn't his type. She just wanted to like him and didn't expect him to like her back. It was just a crush." Frida said.

I looked back at the hyperactive boy who couldn't stop talking about something with his another nerd friend. "I can make that happen for her."

"What do you mean?" Eli asked, getting excited.

"I'm everyone's type. I can make him fall for her by pretending to be Julia and if she were to ever return, she can get together with that kid."

Frida shook her head at me. "Don't.  Julia will never come back to this hell hole. I'm surprised her so called family didn't report her missing after twenty four hours. Dan found you after a few weeks, right?"

"Yeah. He was probably worried that when found she'd reveal everything to them and so wanted to search for her on his own." Eli added.

I nodded distractedly. I had agreed to stay at Julia's house with her shitty family but it had a lot of risks and complications. This school easily had over a thousand students and it might be impossible for all of them to not know me, Juliet Jenson with millions of followers.

Also I had to deal with some assholes like Dan and the five bullies. I wasn't stupid. I knew I couldn't take down all five of them at once, the most I could do would be three and even that would be a rare case. I was sure that under pressure, Kaan wouldn't have a choice but to hurt me.

I left after lunch. I didn't want to stay in the school for the rest of the day. My pride and ego was too hurt to see others look down at me in the hallways, to see Maira smirk at me while at her locker surrounded by her four knights, one of them which I now knew could be used against them.

I was going to return back with a plan to make each of them pay for what they did to Julia. I wouldn't have bothered if I was just a bystander but no, I was actually living this girl's life and the fact that she looked like me and even then these people dared to hurt her just provoked me.

I got Frida and Eli's number. I was sure they were Julia's real friends and I was going to need their help if I was going to take these people down from their high horses. Kaan was going to be my pawn in this.

As I came early from school, I had the house to myself. The father and mother were at work and Dan and Harper were still at school. I was glad nobody was around. A few weeks with them and I could already feel myself lose patience with their relentless efforts to 'tame' me was what I overheard them discuss once. It would be great if they could just accept the fact that it wasn't going to happen.

I had tyrannically seized Harper's room and made sure they knew who the new boss was. Harper was now staying in a guestroom which I allowed because she was begging me to release her from Julia's old room. Just a few days in there and she couldn't take it any more whereas Julia had lived in that room for years.

I found myself walking towards the direction of that grotesque room. Once I opened the door, I had the chance to finally take in the filthy room. It was definitely something I wasn't accustomed to and I had a hard time accepting that some people had to live like this.

Julia's wardrobe was stripped bare. I doubted she had many clothes to begin with. Her tiny phone with a cracked screen was on the nightstand which had a broken leg. Wedged between the bed and the nightstand was a hard cover of a black book. I wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't sticking out a little. It was probably placed on the nightstand and had somehow got knocked over and fallen in the gap.

Pulling at it a little hard, I finally managed to take it out and immediately started coughing at the dust which now flew everywhere, some settling on my hair. "Not my fucking hair." I muttered and immediately backed away from the room after making sure there wasn't anything left that I should see and took the phone with me.

I walked to my room, brushing away the remaining dust using Dan's shirt I found drying outside before tossing it away somewhere in the mud.

It was her diary and I was a little hesitant to know what I'd find. The first diary entry was dated three years ago and it was about the first time Dan hit Julia when she was ten and how poorly she was treated since she was five. All the entries detailed on the abuse she had to deal with from Dan, Harper and sometimes from the parents. Then she met the five devils in grade eight which I guessed was what pushed Julia to write everything down in her diary because it was getting too much.

One thing I noticed was that there were tally marks at the end of every entry starting from over a year ago. This could only mean one thing. She counted her cuts. It couldn't have been the hits and kicks she received as I assumed that all combined wouldn't result to just five. The tally marks were never more than five although it worried me that some of them exceeded fifteen albeit they were rare.

Another thing I noticed was that in a few entries, she wrote the name Hunter just above the tally marks. Nothing else. She didn't explain anything about that name. The possibility of it being someone she had feelings for were zero because I already knew she liked Colin and the diary was mostly filled with accounts of what she went through.

I'd have to ask Frida and Eli about that. They'd surely know.

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