Set Sail

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"I'm glad we made it back safely."

Cheering, I went to my boat and noticed the jelly like coating on my ship. The valve under my ship was what kept it floating. The moment I heard Luffy's excited scream to set sail then I released my emergency floating bag too as a bubble appeared giving me room to breath even on the deck of my boat. Rapidly, I started sinking. The boat sunk so far down beneath the surface of the water that I was in awe of the scenery. Heading into my room, I grabbed my sketchbook and began drawing. I used the watercolours that Lucci had bought for me which reminded me of him. I hope he was alive and well.

Deciding to make a weird decision, I experimentally went out of my bubble to the Thousand Sunny. It worked so it was good to know. I waved at them before noticing I was soaking wet. I didn't mind though. I noticed Chopper panicking over Sanji since he passed out from a nosebleed. Sanji who was passed out because he saw Nami and Robin at the same time.
I put Sanji on my lap while listening to Franky who was recounting the story of Kuma protecting the ship.

"Oh, Sanji you're awake." I commented.

Moving Sanji off, I noticed the danger of another pirate ship nearby and warned everyone who became on guard before going back to my own to take care of it but I told Nami that I would meet up with them soon. I had to go first because my ship was sinking south faster. I saw a deep slope at one of the parts which revealed a Kraken. Instantly, we became friends as a ship being tugged by a familiar sea cow crossed by. I destroyed it since I thought it would be a danger. The Kraken caught my ship and we just chilled there with me talking to the Kraken.

"You're such a handsome fellow,you must be really cool if you're this big! Oh! There's my friends, don't hurt them" I ordered.


"Luffy no!"

Like the dumbass Luffy is, he punched the Kraken because he thought it was holding me hostage and he wanted to control it. The Monster Trio in bubbles and The Thousand Sunny began falling into the deep dark. We got seperated slight but I could easily find them. I was in sight of Sanji and Zoro who's bubbled popped so I asked the Kraken to bring them along with Luffy to my boat. Thankfully, the Kraken did. Zoro and Sanji sat on the ground. I caught Luffy in my arms when he was tossed in. Navigating, I told the Kraken directions to go to the Thousand Sunny. I praised the Kraken when it did. Noticing a volcano would erupt, I asked the Kraken to pull the Thousand Sunny and start running as magma flowed after us.

Thanks to Usopp, the seaweed he had shot at the lava held it back enough for us to get away. Somehow, we were able land on the ocean floor with the Fishman Island in sight. I tossed Luffy, Sanji and Zoro back to the Thousand Sunny before looking at Fishman Island. It looked beautiful and was encased in a bubble. We came across some Fishman who offered Luffy to join the crew but I tied my ship to the Thousand Sunny as Franky used a Coup De Burst as Luffy told them no way.

"Captain sometimes you make me feel bad for cursing around you if you use the word dummy to insult people" I yelled as I informed Luffy.

"Hehe, you need to clean your mouth then (M/N)! I can help with that!"

Unfortunately, our bubbles on the ship bursted as we entered the first layer. Everyone used all the air in the ship to give one final push. Everyone except me was floating with the currents and would die if they continued along with it so I swam and grabbed them all before opening the Thousand Sunny door under a lot of pressure as I slowly ran out of air and pushed them in. We made it through but I lost all the air out on deck as I gripped the railing slowly losing my grip and getting thrown away with the currents. At least the others were safe.

The next time I woke up, I realised I was on my ship. Getting up, I looked over to the strong rope that connected the ship with the Thousand Sunny and noticed that it snapped. Hopefully, everyone was fine. I used my Haki to find Luffy and it worked. My range really had no limits now which was amazing since I no longer really needed a compass. I am the compass. Luffy cheered as he saw me. The same ugly Fishman we saw earlier tried to capture him but it didn't work.

"Aww, cute Sea King"

That was my remark to the scary Sea King that tried to attack Luffy instead it turned putty in my hands. I was uncaring that there were some prince of the Fishman Island there. All of a sudden, Sanji lost too much blood by having his face pressed up against some girls breast. My mind immediately turned into a slightly alert mode as I picked Sanji up and ran off with him. My Haki had improved so much I could find people with certain similar characteristics. In this case, the characteristic was blood type.

At first, I came across a Fishman who refused because they were different races. My mind was confused as that but I didn't dwell on it and instead found other suitable people. Rushing into the bar, I asked for the two to spare their blood by donating it to Sanji. Thankfully, they agreed. Sighing, I put Sanji on the before Chopper came into the room to perform the blood transfusion. He was alive and the next time he woke up he was red as he tried to remember while I sat by his side.

"Don't worry your handsome head, you'll just cause more problems" I teased

"(M/N)... Did you bring me here? You're like an angel- wait handsome?!" Sanji muttered before raising his voice.

"Yeah, also I didn't do much. I just brought you here so don't call me angel. I don't deserve to be called one." I objected

"(M/N).." Sanji called out

"I need a breather Luffy, I'm going for a walk to see what the others are up to." I said

"Shishishi, sure, just come back safely"

"Don't I always captain? I have to since you guys get me into all the dumb shit." I joked with a smile.

Stepping out, I went for the search of the others. I felt guilty for speaking unintentionally harsh. I just... couldn't see myself in a positive light anymore. Something about seeing Ace die and being unable to stop it made me think even more negatively than before. I refused to be called any compliments like that now. I guess now the only thing keeping me going right now was to help Luffy become Pirate King as my redemption. That and I wanted to be free and explore as long as possible.

A/N: Fact, even after two years, (M/N) shows trauma in his own little ways. He doesn't react like that to all nicknames but during the times he spend with Ace, he was called Babe and even Angel so now he can't handle those nicknames again yet. He views himself in a less positive light. Second fact, (M/N) is still largely himself but only slightly different. He's still a polite cheeky teasing person. Always with a smile just like before. Thanks for reading!

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