Yes, I Feel Represented

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Without waiting for another word to come out of Grady's mouth, I strut around the corner. I open the bar door, the bell clanging above me, and I sit back down in my seat. I get a shot of whiskey, needing something to wash the pain in my hands down. Dexter and Nick don't say anything which is smart of them. I try to watch the football game, but I can't seem to calm my mind down.

Jenny could help me get my energy out, but I'm already exhausted. I just need someone to stop my racing, angry mind. I say goodnight to the boys and make my way to my car. I feel a little drowsy, so I'm not going to drive yet. I'll give it twenty minutes. I open my phone, my thumb hovering over the call button for a second, and I press it.

"Why the fuck are you calling me, idiot!?"

"Were you asleep, kitten?"

"Of course I fuckng was. It's eleven fucking o'clock."

"Well, I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"Than why the fuck did you call?"

"You have a potty mouth when you're tired."

"I have a potty mouth when someone wakes me the fuck up."

"I just wanted to say goodnight to you."


Her voice automatically softens.

"Wow, one has ever called me to say goodnight."

"First for everything. Sweet dreams, kitten."

"Goodnight, brown eyes."

She hangs up the phone after another second. I lean my head against the headrest and close my eyes. A goofy smile falls across my face as I think about Reign. After about another ten minutes and some water, I feel good enough to drive. I make it to the frat house and go to bed, my knuckles clean and my brain has stopped racing.

Reign P.O.V.

My alarm blares and for the first time getting up ever, excitement fills my body from head to toe. Apartment finding day! I can finally get out of this hell hole. My parents will find out, but I can't help but not care. I'm not in the mood to care. Today's going to be a great day. Danny and I are going to be hanging out, searching for my perfect apartment. 

Hopefully I'll get to move in soon. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and throw on some of my best lingerie. It doesn't matter if no one sees it, but it makes me feel confident. More confident than usual. That's what I need for a day like this. I'm trying to find an apartment at a good price. I'm going to need all the confidence I can muster.

I go to my closet, looking for what to wear. After about what feels like forever but is only an hour, I find the perfect outfit. I chew on my bottom lip as I look at the final product of my outfit. I think Nick would approve, and that's all I need. I grab my purse and make my way into the hallway. Girls I don't even know glare at me while my heels click against the wooden floor. I know I'm a queen, and I thank them for staring, but I don't really like that much attention. Though this outfit calls for it. I look fucking amazing.

I grab an apple in the kitchen, which fills me up just enough, before hearing a knock on the door. The girls don't even bother to get up, knowing that I'll eventually answer it, even if it's Derek and his posse. I open the door to see that Lincoln is standing there. He gives me a small smile, which is totally weird.

"Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah. Do you think we could talk a minute?"

"No, we can't talk. You are going to hurt me."

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