Chapter 14:

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It has been about two weeks since "anonymous" has last answered, and Sera is getting more antisier by each passing day. 

Why aren't they answering? Sera wonders as she gathers her school books into her arms. Did something happen? 

"Sera!" Avelyn waves, her blue eyes lighting up. "Come on, I'm starving!" 

Sera nods, shoving her way out of the classroom. Ever since Avelyn came back to school, Mrs. Stone has assigned Sera to be the person to give Avelyn a tour of the school. 

"That test was so hard," Avelyn sighs, shaking her head, Sera trudging beside her. "What do they even think we're going to use the tests for anyway?" 

"College, maybe?" Cami quips, popping next to Sera. "You know, good grades can help you get into a good college. Not that you would want to go, since your daddy's so rich, he can probably buy you into one." 

Ever since Avelyn has been tagging along with Sera, Cami's hatred for Avelyn has considerably grown. 

"I'm not going to use my dad to get into college," Avelyn says with a scowl. 

"Really?" Cami mocks. "And why not?" 

"Isn't that cheating?" 

"Sure, but what does Avelyn Roberts care about? You cheat all the time like it's in your blood." 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Sera says, staring at both of them. "Can't you guys just stop fighting for at least one day?" 

"I'll stop fighting if Avelyn stops acting like she's better than everyone else," says Cami. "And for her to freaking stop faking her amnesia." 

"It's not fake!" Avelyn protests. "Why don't you just try putting a foot in my shoes for once?" 

Cami lets out a harsh laugh. "So now you want to play the victim?" Cami sneers. "You don't have any decency, do you?" 

"Both of you." Sera stresses the words out. "We got to go to lunch. Otherwise we might be late for the next class." 

Cami scowls, though she finally turns away, walking. 

"What's her problem?" Avelyn hisses. "It's like she hated me the moment I came to school." 

"I can hear you," Cami says bluntly, still looking straight ahead. "I'm not deaf, unlike some people." 

"Hey, now." Sera guides Avelyn forward. "No fighting, remember?" 

"I never promised anything," Cami grumbles back. 

Avelyn looks like she's about to fire back when they suddenly hear loud, raucous laughter. It's Sam, holding the usual court with Mi Cha and Noah. 

"Love can make you do plenty of stupid things," Sam chuckles, stuffing a vegetarian burger into his mouth. "Take Sera for example." 

Sera's heart clenches, as she peers down from the balcony. 

"Ignore them," Avelyn whispers. "They're just asses, who don't know better." 

"You were literally sitting with them a month ago, laughing at people like me and Sera," snorts Cami. 

Sera doesn't take Avelyn's advice, listening on. 

"I mean, how stupid can get stupid get, am I right?" Sam drawls, his grin widening. "Like, dude. Just give it up. It's obvious that Junjie doesn't even care about her." 

A tiny gasp escapes her. 


Ignore him. 

He doesn't know anything. 

But does he? 

"And what is it with that love note?" continues Sam. "What the hell? We're in high school, not elementary school, Sera." 

"She really never gives up, does she?" Mi Cha sighs, as she shakes her head. "She's so clingy, I  almost feel bad for Junjie." 

"It's not like he's ever going to like someone like Sera," Sam agrees. "I can't believe she thinks she has a chance." 


No! Sera screams in her mind, watching as her vision grew bleary. Get away from me, tears! 

A feel of frustration engulfs her, the color of dreary grey, threatening to choke the air out of her. 

"Come on, Sera." Avelyn tugs on Sera's arm. "Let's go eat lunch. Just ignore those idiots." 

Sera tries to move. She cannot. She is stuck, rooted to the spot. 

"Anyways, let's talk about something else." Sam looks up directly at Sera, from the first floor, his brown eyes glittering. "This conversation is just so tedious. It's history, repeating over and over again." 

Sera's breathing grows faster as her hands grip the rail tightly, the one that separates the first floor to the second, from Sam to Sera. 

"You know," Sam quips, "platonic love sucks." 

No. . . 

Please! Stop it! 

"What the hell?" Sam mumbles. "Disgusting. What the hell did they put in this burger?" 

"No clue," Mi Cha says. "Too bad you didn't get the fish taco I advised you to get." 

"Shut up." 

"No, really. It tastes pretty good." 

"Stop taunting me, for God's sake." 

Mi Cha flashes him an alluring smile, and Sera feels Cami tense beside her. 

"Come on," Avelyn urges them both. "Why are we even standing here, when we can be eating lunch already?" 

Sera turns, about to leave, when she hears the next part. 

"I think Junjie cheats," Sam yawns. "How does he get so many A-pluses on his test? It's impossible to juggle both soccer and schoolwork." 

What? Junjie? Cheating? 

Those two words — "Junjie" and "cheating" — in a sentence are impossible. 

"He totally does," Noah chimes in. 

"He doesn't cheat!" Sera points at Sam, hand clenching at the metal rail. "Junjie isn't a cheater! Not like some people!" 

"Sera!" Cami hisses. "Get the hell down there if you want to still live!" 

Sera ignores her friend. 

"Sera! Hi!" Sam smiles brightly. "Has anyone told you that it's rude to eavesdrop on conversations? Because, you know, you never know if there's private gossip about people that might hurt their feelings." 

"You were speaking plenty loudly," Sera spits back. "Anyone five feet away could've heard." 

Sam snickers, before looking at Mi Cha and Noah. "Did we hurt your feelings?" 

"I can't believe you like this guy," Sera sighs at Cami, before raising her voice. "Shut up, Sam." 

His lips tilted upwards into a smirk. 

"Make me." 

"Take care of my bag," Sera says, shoving her backpack in Cami's direction. Then, with everyone's eyes on her, she strides down the stairway that connects the second floor to the first. 

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