Chapter One Hundred: Interruptions (Part Two)

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- I've felt true love before

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- I've felt true love before


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Third Pov:

Valentine mustn't have realized what she'd said because there was an intake of breath of everyone around them. The silence didn't last long though because she rears back her hand and punches Walburga straight in the nose.

The girl starts screeching.

And then Valentine freaking launches herself at Walburga, tackling her like she was an all star football player.

Tom stands there, staring appalled.

"Oh my god!! Someone stop them!!!" Greta screams, trying to help her friend.

Danielle was gaping at the scene. She was one of Walburga's friends and yet she couldn't stop the small satisfied smile on her face.

"YOU BITCH!!!" Valentine screams, and she yanks a clump of Walburga's hair out. "Here for you." Val throws the hair at Tom and he catches it wearing an absurd look on his face. She'd magicked up a freaking bow tie on the locks of hair and Tom was highly humoured by her bloodlust.

"What is this for?"

"IT'S your trophy!" Val demands and then Walburga tackles her this time, her dress flying upwards and flashing everyone in the room a view of her knickers.


"OH MY GOD SHUT UP!!!" Val snaps. They go rolling scratching and kicking at one another.

"I'm scarred forever." Abby's eyes were wide in horror.

"I just saw her arse." Greta hisses at Abby, eyes enlarged. "Is it supposed to be covered in pimples?" She seemed honestly confused.

"Nope!" Pandora looked ready to hurl.

"TOM!!! Do something!" Nott snaps, eyes trained on Valentine in worry.

𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞 ║Tom Riddle ✔ [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now