Chapter 20

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AN: Hey guys, I hope you are well. This chapter, you will see what happened to Apollo and Perseus, and the meeting with Athena will happen. I just want to say sorry to all Perthena fans, this will not be Perthena, they will just be friends. Anyways, thanks so much, and please enjoy!


Zeus slammed his bolt down. "Enough! Now, son, how did you kill the demigod? Also, how are you so injured?"

Apollo kept his gaze down. "He...he defeated me. I had to take my divine form to kill him or else he would kill me."

The room fell silent. "Coward," Athena hissed at her half-brother before flashing away.

Everyone looked at each other in shock. "Jeez, what's wrong with her?" Hermes asked.

"She was fond of Perseus. He was key to the Greek victory. Not only was he skilled, but he was wise and intelligent too. He was also kind, and defended those who couldn't defend themselves. The world has lost a great man, perhaps one of the greatest. Congratulations Apollo," Hera said bitterly before she too flashed out.


Artemis flashed to her hunter's camp to inform them of the events of the Trojan War. Once they were gathered, she told her hunters the story of the Greeks entering the city and what conspired in the throne room. When she finished, she was concerned, as she saw one of her favourite hunters tearing up.

"Zoë, come here," she commanded. "The rest of you go to bed."

Once the hunters went to their tents, Artemis stood in front of Zoë. "Why are you weeping for the fall of Troy?"

"I'm not milady," Zoë said shakily. "I'm upset that the hero Perseus died."

Artemis looked at her curiously. "Why? Because her mother brought you here?"

Zoë looked down. "I'm sorry milady," she started. "I didn't tell you the whole story. Thetis told me not to, as she feared it would affect her son."

Artemis looked at the huntress confused, and gestured for her to continue.

"Thetis didn't find me, I was banished from my home. When I was banished, I searched for a city where I could find refuge, and found myself on a Greek ship. What I didn't realize was that it was off to war. When the ship landed, I snuck out, but was caught by Agamemnon's men, and he claimed me as a war prize," she explained as her mistress' face morphed into an angered expression.

"As they were dragging me back into camp, Perseus saw them and saved me. He claimed I already belonged to him and took me back to his tent. When he did, instead of hurting me, he comforted and cared for me. When Agamemnon sent a demigod to reclaim me, a son of Zeus, Perseus killed him to protect me. He hid me in his tent and even posted guards outside when he was away. However, he felt like it wasn't safe for me, and he arranged his mother to bring me here. He said it would be safe for me here, and it was a place I could get my immortality back," Zoë said with a sad expression visible.

The huntress looked at her mistress, who wore a shocked expression. After a few moments, she spoke. "It seems he was a rare man. He saved the Troy royal family before he challenged my brother."

Zoë looked at the goddess and sadly nodded, tears falling from her eyes. She knew he would do something like that, considering his kind nature.

Artemis looked into Zoë's eyes again. "You loved him, didn't you?"

Zoë paled, but had no choice but to reveal her feelings for the demigod. She couldn't deny them, so she nodded her head. "I think he had feelings for me too, but I'm not sure if he loved me."

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