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(night, after speaking to sean)

it was past midnight. kaycee rice was sitting on her study table in her room, contemplating something very deeply and then finally reached a conclusion.

'i just don't believe it, i am actually going to do it.' kaycee thought as she took out her diary from the table drawer. it was the same diary which her mom had given her as a christmas present.

she had forgotten about it, which was, until this night. right now, her life was a right mess and she needed someplace to store all her thoughts. what could be better than a personal diary?

since the day sean lew had entered in her life, she felt as though if she was losing control of her life. she felt angry, sad, and happy, all at once.
she desperately wanted to confide in someone about what was going on in her mind and how she was feeling.

she was just so confused and scared of the things she was feeling. she thought about talking to bailey, but something held her back. it's not that she didn't trust her but she wasn't yet ready to confront her feelings in front of someone else.

so finally, she decided to try what her mom had told her when she gave her the diary.

"maybe this could help?" kaycee said to herself.

she opened the diary, on the first page, there was a message from her mom.


this is one place where you can pour out your heart without being judged by anyone. it can be your secret keeper and a means to sort out your feelings. i hope that it would be as useful for you as it has been for me when i was your age.



kaycee smiled as she traced the words with her fingers. somehow, she felt relaxed at this. she turned the page, pick up her pen and started writing.

hi dear diary,

(now i am saying hi to a diary, i do really need mental check up. damn you sean lew, it's all because of you.)

i am kaycee rice. this is my first ever entry in the world of personal diaries. so i don't exactly know what and how to write in it. but then, i also never thought that i would ever be writing something like this, but here i am. i am just going to write whatever i feel like.

(ha! thank god, it's not my homework.
just imagine what would happen if a teacher is assigned to check the personal diaries. i would surely get a big zero.)

i think i am just getting off the track.

i am just feeling so girly...i mean i am actually writing about a boy who makes me feel ...i don't know what he makes me feel...but i know i do feel something... what exactly, is difficult to point at for now... but hey, i at least deserve a little bit leniency and some time to figure it out...i am new in all this after all.

bailey says that it was my destiny to meet sean lew. but then she believes in many things, which don't exist.

ugh! i'm getting sidetracked again.

yes. so i was telling you about a boy, sean lew. i first met him on christmas evening...i was very nervous to see him. i never behaved nicely with him. probably, i was scared that i would look like a loser in front of him. somehow, i regret that now. after all, he didn't do anything to me.

he danced with me. i never admitted it to anyone but it felt very good to be in his arms...oops! now i'm turning into an infatuated fan girl or more like chesca. however, i can't help it right now. also, i have to agree he is quite a skilled dancer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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