Chapter 26

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As the days went by they grew closer and closer. He did not know when or how but, she stole his heart. Her character embodied a force of determination and will he admired so much. His every waking day was an adventure he looked forward to.

She wared with his decisions, defied his authority and angered him to insane measures. He didn't know whether he wanted to lay her across his lap to throttle her lush rump or kiss her senseless. She did things to his mind that mesmerized him and he wouldn't have it any other way.


She watched him from afar as he practiced with his men. She stood amongst the squires observing his moves. Every sinewy muscle flexed and unflexed with his stance and movements. She watched pure power and strength exude him as he blocked each hit. The loud hurrahs and clanks of their swords broke her concentration. 

He easily dispatched his opponent and was on to the next. Shortly after it was turn for the squires to sparr with him. He was all sweat and muscles before her as he overlooked each and everyone of them.

"Who wants to begin?" he bellowed.

No one stepped forward out of fear to go up against such a skilled fighter as their lord.

She stood on the side as he asked again then suddenly the slight nudge and sort of gentle hand pushed her forward followed by snickers and chuckles as they all stepped back and left her alone.

To face him.

Haroun eyed young Ian and Franklin gently nudge her forward before shaking his head and chuckling to himself.

They all watched as Gavin's eyes took in his opponent with amusement and how a sensual smile curved at his lips as those around her slightly stepped back.

He slowly walked over to her, looked her deep in the eyes and cracked a grin that lit up her day.

They all watched as The lord of the keep displayed his affection openly for his lady as he layed his lips gently over hers.

"Good Morning, Brat," he smiled sweetly.

She smiled at his affectionate attempt at goading her.

"Good Morning, milord," she laughed softly.

"Are you ready, m'lady, " he whispered.

Her eyes twinkled with his coquetish wink and he loved it.

"Always m'lord, " she beamed.

"I won't be gentle," he warned giving a mocking scowl.

"I am not expecting it, milord," Her eyes danced with his sensual play and she was ready.

She watched as he backed away slowly not taking his eyes off of her.

She got into position and their movements began. Everyone stood mesmerized by her agility and poise to his skilled attacks and blocks.

The Lord and Lady of Ravenhurst were one with their swords and all were in awe of their display.

Always strive to be aware of your surroundings, any object that can be used, additional weapons and those of your opponent, beforehand.

She scouted the area, sword drawn and alert.

He set out to train her in the woods, he wanted to sharpen her skills in unknown terrain. The objective was to seek eachother out, or try not to get caught. Her heart raced with every movement, venturing into the unknown.

She slowly stepped around a tree with sword ready in hand for any sudden movement. Disappointed that she saw nothing, she breathed and ducked low and continued to search. 

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