Chapter 32: Underneath

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Naruto ignored the fury burning in his chest, threatening to spill over as he looked at his students, who were in terrible shape having just completed the Second Exams of the Chunin Exams, the proctor was his girlfriend, who was said to be in bad shape. 

He should have been there to help them. He failed. Orochimaru had hurt four his limited group of precious people, having beat Sai up, having his goons rough Sakura up pretty badly, almost leaving Anko to die to the beast, and then, the worse of all, branding Sasuke with a curse mark. 

That alone made him want to tear the village over and search for the Snake Sannin. How dare he? HOW DARE HE HURT HIS PRECIOUS ONES? 

He would pay, Naruto promised that to himself as he guided Sasuke over to a different room, wanting to seal that wretched thing as soon as possible. Those who hurt his precious people would receive no mercy. 

They would perish. 

Looking at Sasuke with his Sharingan activated, Naruto held a brush in his right hand as his left hand stabled the boy from shaking, the pain coursing through Sasuke's shoulder where Orochimaru had bitten him. 

"Grrgh," Sasuke groaned as the cold ink graced his skin, Naruto's hand perfectly sweeping around the curse mark. 

"If you groan about the cold, then you're not going to like the second part." 

"Hn," Sasuke replied. Naruto set down the brush, his hand glowing a dark blue. 

"Remember, Sasuke, this will only be as strong as you will it to be. This seal is reliant on your unwillingness to use the seal. Anko-chan uses this seal and her hatred for Orochimaru makes the seal nothing but a tattoo unless that bastard is near, then he can make it burn." 

"I understand," Sasuke whispered, sweat dripping down his face as he grit his teeth, grinding them together as his shoulder flared with the burning sensation. Naruto placed his chakra glowing hand on Sasuke's shoulder.

"Don't be too angry with me, Sasuke. But this," Naruto flared his chakra, activating the seal as a shrill scream of agony erupted from Sasuke, who had not been ready to anticipate this pain. "Will hurt like a bitch for about a minute." 

Holding Sasuke in place, Naruto flinched at the pained screams of his precious student. Perhaps that whole, this is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you, was true? He didn't know, his parents weren't alive long enough to threaten him with a spanking. 

Finally, the sealing process finished and Sasuke fell to the ground, fatigued as his eyes shut, falling asleep from the strain. "Heh, weak." Naruto joked to himself as he went to scoop Sasuke up, only to stop as a chakra chain sprouted from his back and hit the ground several meters behind him, a burst of small laughter erupting, indicating the person had dodged. 

"Kukuku, that was close Naruto-kun, a tad bit too close." Naruto turned around and saw Orochimaru wearing a traditional Jounin outfit with a Sound headband on. 

"Hold still and I'll make sure to rip you in two," Naruto promised as two more chains erupted from his back. "You'll pay for what you did to my family." He growled. Orochimaru clapped his hands in mock happiness. 

"Oh goodie, perhaps I'll bake your ragtag family a cake, hm? Or maybe I'll give everyone a matching tattoo? You have two other Genin don't ya?" 

The sound of his own heartbeat echoed in Naruto's ears, each rhythmic beat getting increasingly louder as his vision grew blurry. 

Blurry. . .

"Heh heh heh heh heh," Naruto began laughing as he took a step forward, a fourth chain sprouting from his back, his chains looming over his shoulders like snakes, poised to strike at any given second. "You insolent snake, have you forgotten what happened when you took my Anko-chan from me? Now you threaten to take my genin? My children? My precious team? My kids? Kids? Hahahahhahahaha," Naruto laughed as blood began pouring down his eyes as a grey chakra slowly enveloped him. 

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