Sweet Mochi Donut

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

Somehow, in my tired state I made it back to my ship before sleeping the day away. I was happily snoozing for a few good hours before hearing my door open. Peering up, I saw Sanji who sighed before sitting next to me on my bed. He was smoking a cigarette as he played with my hair. I was in a blissful state. Closing my eyes, I curled up around Sanji's sitting form. He smiled at me and continued his actions of playing with my hair. I fell back asleep easily and it was a peaceful sleep. I woke up again an hour later and he was happily still doing it. Getting up, I climbed onto Sanji's lap before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugged him for comfort. I needed hugs badly.

"So why didn't you invite me to bake with you?" Sanji asked

"The kitchen is mine when I bake. No one touches my side of baking." I proudly stated puffing out my chest.

"You're so stubborn, idiot." Sanji let out a small smile

Sticking my tongue out, Sanji couldn't help but burst out laughing, calling me an idiot. Sanji had to pull me out of the room which I didn't want but Luffy wanted to leave soon so now was the time to draw scenery. Getting out my sketchbook, I realised how beautiful the place was and began sketching away while Sanji smoked. Sanji was basically my safety net if I was about to walk into anyone but with my Haki, I didn't bump into anyone.

"Waaaa! You already have to go Luffy-sama and (M/N)! But we just became friends...even one more day, no one week! No, one more year please!" Shirahoshi cried

"You've really cried from the beginning haven't you Weakhoshi?" Luffy questioned

"I'm sorry... I'll become less of a baby" Shirahoshi apologised

"That's a great idea, you should stay behing Nosebleed-kun" Zoro remarked to Sanji.

Those two got into a fight with Sanji seemingly on fire. It was hilarious to see Sanji threatening Zoro to watch his next meal since it might have all types of poisons and even razors. Smiling, I listened to the explanation about the Log Pose. They gave me one too for the New World. Franky had the ships ready on how to float up so I boarded my ship while seeing Jimbei nod upon Luffy calling his name. I jumped onto the Thousand Sunny for a bit while Shirahoshi was there.

"Luffy-sama and (M/N)! If we ever meet again then I'll no longer be a cry baby! Please take me out to walk! I want to see a real forest!"

"I see you've never been outside before! Okay!" Luffy agreed

"Promise me"

Shirahoshi stuck out her finger and all out us came to pinky promise by extending our pinkies to hers. Luffy stretched his pinkie around Shirahoshi multiple times. After that, I went back to my ship and since my ship was lighter, it rised quicker. I inflated buoy and shoved that into the water pulling my ship up even faster. It was very nice to hear everyone be so motivated for the New World. I managed to avoid the white whirlpool current and found myself pleasantly surprised when a whale with a beat up head let my boat rest on it's head soon everyone on the Thousand Sunny joined me.

The song that Brook was playing seemed to resonate with the whale. I smiled as we rode the ascending currents with the whales. Soon, we reached the top of the surface. It seemed calm but the minute we broke through, there was a raging thunderstorm and the sea was raging, the wind was strong and the currents very rough. Shouting, I told Nami I would meet them once again when the waves have calmed down and she agreed. The seas were extremely harsh and it was for a few days until it suddenly became very calm. Unfortunately, before I could meet up with Luffy again, I had to restock just to be prepared. It was safer that way.

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