Date Night

32 0 6

Myla's POV•

I woke up around 6:30 am and started getting ready for school. I took of my clothes as I entered the washroom and then the shower. Cold water hit my back as grabbed the shampoo.
I got out and put on a black lace thong and matching brallete. I brushed my teeth and did my makeup and hair.
I picked out this to wear:

I put on black high heels and took the rest of my things and left

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I put on black high heels and took the rest of my things and left. When I went outside I saw Grayson leaning against his matte green Lambo; the color was so bright and obnoxious.
"What are you doing here"?
"Well good morning to you to babygirl" he smirked, asshole.
"I'm taking you to school"
"I could just walk you know"
"Yeah but why should I have to do that to my babygirl"
"I'm not your baby girl"
"Yeah you are, now get in"
"Ugh fine" I got in and it smelled just like him;so good.
We arrived at my school.
"Bye gorgeous" He kissed me on the cheek
"If you want I can pick you up later" he sounded nervous which was weird.

"That sounds great see you at 2 bye" I kissed him on the cheek aswell.
I got out of the car and my friends came over to me; I was really popular but of course really kind.
"Who was that" my best friend Charlie asked
"What do you mean" I asked like I didn't know
"You know the guy in the car" my other friend Rylie said
"Oh he's just a friend I met a couple of days ago" .
"He's really cute can you set us up" Sarah Mchorne more like mcwhore
She is the school slut and I don't really care for her. I felt jealousy run through my body
why it's not like I like him wait do I like him ugh!
"He has a girlfriend actually" I said bluntly not trying to make anything of the situation.
"Whatever" mcwhore said as we heard the bell ring .


I was getting ready for Gray's and i's date. I was just done curling my hair and makeup.
I was rumging through my closet to find something special. Not that I care about what to wear infront of him.
I picked this:

I got I text from him:

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I got I text from him:

Mafia hottie: I'm outside waiting
Me: I'll be right there

I grabbed my red clutch and red heels
And walked out.
As I walked out our eyes met and I felt the world stop, he was so gorgeous but I can't fall for him.
He was wearing a tuxedo with his famous hairstyle:

"Wow holy shit" he mutters"What does it not look good should I go change" I said not surprised"No no no it's just you look so so so beautiful" he gives me a soft smile instead of his annoying smirk"Thank you you look really good aswell" he blushed...

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"Wow holy shit" he mutters
"What does it not look good should I go change" I said not surprised
"No no no it's just you look so so so beautiful" he gives me a soft smile instead of his annoying smirk
"Thank you you look really good aswell" he blushed at my compliment
He opened the door for me and I Glady got in to his blue Rolls Royce. We started driving off.
"So you gonna tell me where we're going" I said hoping he would take me some where simple and not expensive because I hate always having to go to expensive places since my parents rich.
"Nope it's a suprise so put this blindfold on " he handed me a blindfold
"Fine" I put it on,not to tight since I worked hard on my makeup.
After driving for what felt like 30 minutes we finally stopped.
"Ok just wait" he got out of the car and I hear my door open.
He took my hand and took me out of the car making sure I don't fall.
We walked for a while and then we stopped.
"Ok you can take off your blindfold on 3".   "1...2...3"! I take off my blindfold and adjust to the light.
"OMG"  I yell all happy jumping up and down.
"Do you like it" he asked scratching the back of his head again all nervous.
"Do I like it, I love it Grayson" I hugged him. He kissed the top of my forehead and pulled away.
We went to sit at our tables. It was so pretty. We were sitting on top of a roof of I don't know where and there was rose petals all over the ground and little lights, he even had violin music in the back. The sun was setting which made it 10 times better.

 The sun was setting which made it 10 times better

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We sat down and a waiter came up to us.
"Are you ready to order" the waiter smiled at both of us.
"Yeah we are" Grayson said
"Ok what can I get you"
"I'll have the smoked salmon with the side sausage rugù over creamy polenta and a glass of Pinot noir"
"Ok and what can I get for you"
"I'll have parmesan risotto with roasted lemon shrimp and a glass of Chardonnay"
"That will be right over" he pours us some red wine and walks off.
"I noticed you're popular and rich"
"Yeah but I don't really like the lifestyle so much" I frown
"Why not"
"It's just I wish people could stop putting so much pressure on me to be "perfect" I quote
"I mean don't get me wrong I am beyond grateful that I have wealth but I just wish I can go somewhere like on top of a mountain and just talk about my real feelings and not pretend to care about school gossip"
I widened my eyes I have never said that before.
"It's a trick I use to get to know people's real feelings about their life and from the look on your face I can say it worked on you" he grins. Soon our food came, we started eating and talking, laughing and just falling for eachother. What! No I only agreed to go on a date because well I didn't want to hurt his feelings? Ugh I don't know he's really charming and nice.
We had finished the night off by slow dancing to perfect by Ed Sheeran. We got in his car and drove home. It was around 11:00 pm but my parents were never home so it didn't matter.
He parked onto my driveway and opened the door for me.we got to my front door and I turned around and hugged him.    
"Thank you so much for tonight it was probably the most fun I've ever had".
I said
"Me too it was the best date I've ever been on thank you" he said
Our faces were close.
"Can i" he asked for permission to kiss me and I slowly nod my head.
His lips meet mine and it was like a shock of electricity went through my body,the world stopped spinning and I forgot where or who I was for I second. We pulled away and catched our breath.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow bye babygirl" he kissed me again and made his way to the car.
"Bye" I waved and went inside
"Bye baby" I whispered wishing I could say that to him. I headed to bed shocked about everything. Am I falling for him?

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