MyLost Brother

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Y/M/N: Y/n wake up you are going to be late again for the 6th time. Y/n: ugh what again you have to stop waking me up so late. Y/M/N: I am sorry. Y/n: is ok I go get ready.
2 minutes later.
You wore a light pink shirt red Rose's on the bottom and black crazy Jean's you wore Nike shoes and did your hair in a crazy bun . You walk out the door and headed to school. You saw Stundets glaring and whispering about you you rolled you eyes and enter the school the reason why I get bullied is because of one person. ??? : hey nerd. Y/n: what do you want Kim taehyung.V: oh nothing just to do this. He use his leg to kicked you on the floor and took a water bottle and pour it on your head. Every body started laughing at you you ran away. Jimin's  POV: I feel bad for Y/n I don't know why Taehyung bullies Y/n I was mad but I am also  part of the group and I  have to make things right again.I heard crying in the janitor closet

Hi Armys I just want to said this is my second story on wattpad and I am happy to make stories for you guys.

Bye  😁💜

My Lost Brother  Jimin FF Where stories live. Discover now