The Meeting with other Imperial Royal Family Factions (Update)

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Markwindle =Mark
matthbpilot =Matt
TheBreizhOne =Breizh

10th March 1952
0830 hours for paper
Shido's Office
Shido POV

I still at the office with Roon, Because HQ giving us more 10 stacks of the paperwork.I don't know why they keep going send more paperwork or they just lazy to do it.


Shido: Come in!

Doors open and see Belfast come in the office.

Belfast: Good Morning Master Shido,Good Morning Mistress Roon

Belfast's mind:(Luck.....)

Shido: Good morning Belfast, What can I help you today?

Belfast:Well Master you get letter from your friend Master.

Shido's mind:(friend?hmm.....maybe form Imperial Prussian Empire*Okay Bel can I have a letter please?)

Belfast:Here you go Master *She give me a letter*

Shido:Thank you Belfast

Belfast:*blushing* Y-You're welcome sir

I read the latter and it's was a inviting for the Royal Dinner  and Royal Meeting in Topkapı Palace, İstanbul from Sultan Osman IV and other Royal Family.After reading the latter,I look back at Belfast.

Shido:Belfast,can you help me?

Belfast:Sure,What it's Master?

Shido:Can you ask Bismarck,Akagi and Enterprise take care of the base when me and Roon have meeting with another Imperial faction in Topkapı Palace.

Belfast:Sure I can do that Master.But what happened is we get ambush from Siren or another e enemies,Master?

Shido:Don't worry about safety Belfast.I already place 63th of Imperial Regiment for this base to protect form enemies.And I already place my warship around the base.

Belfast:Hai Master~~

Shido:Good,you can go now.

Belfast:*bow* Thank you Master *leave the office*

Shido:Well look like we have meeting with other Imperial Factions/Roon.

Room:*giggles* Look like it's,Soo we need change our outfits to Formal Dresses?

Shido:Look like it *stand up from chair* Let's go Roon

Roon:Hai darling~

25 minutes later...

Me and Roon change uniform into formal uniform and take weapons like M150 pistols(Copy Colt M1911A1),M1806 Ottoman sabre (Kiliç Sabre) and Prussian Sabre (M1849 Garde Husar Sabre) for emergency.

Me and Roon change uniform into formal uniform and take weapons like M150 pistols(Copy Colt M1911A1),M1806 Ottoman sabre (Kiliç Sabre) and Prussian Sabre (M1849 Garde Husar Sabre) for emergency

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