did you fall in love with the sun...

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the same day i layed eyes on you,
icarus taught me how to fall -
you see, from the moment i met you,
i knew we were doomed
[not to sweet 'i love you's
or hopeless sighs of contentment
but to the spiraling consequences
that comes from loving a peace like you
when my heart craved restlessness]

i learned from that lesson,
not only how dangerous
our hopes and loves can be
[that a dream can be even more treacherous than a wish],
but that if i truly want to survive
i need to be ready to sacrifice everything
[even if my everything is you]
so i pushed our forms apart
[separating what was left of our little eternities of adventures]
and cried myself to sleep at night
[reserving the days to shining brightly,
hoping my rays could one day reach you, like they had before] ;

did you fall in love with the sun
the way i fell in love with the moon?

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