"Not my brightest moment"

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My phone starts ringing against my dresser  as I pull up my black and white joggers. I press the green button and turn the speaker on, so I can get ready.

    "Hello?" I grab my sports bra.

    'Hey bug," my dad's voice answers. I pull the bra over my head and carefully place it over my boobs.

    "Hi dad," I wince. My boobs fucking hurt.

    "Are you ok?" concern coming from his voice, "You sound like you hit something."

    I open the top dresser drawer and grab a shirt , "I'm ok. Why are you calling? I told you that my flight is at noon and that I was going to text you when I leave."

    "Oh right," he sighs, "Well your mother called me earlier."

    I laugh, "I thought you hated her?'

    "She can be a bitch at times, but I don't hate her," he huffed, "Anyway, she called and told me that you're only staying for the weekend." Shit. Shit. Shit.

    "Uh about that," My eyes look around my room for Paul, "I'm going to New York to see my... friend."

    "You have a boyfriend?" he asks me, "I thought he lived in Seattle." I pull my shirt over my head.

    "Dad I'm not dating Harrison," I say sternly, "and I never said boyfriend." Grant and I agreed on not dating right away. Plus I have Paul, but he's a cat and is asleep half the time.

    "And why not? I would assume you two would be engaged by now, seeing as you are having his child."

    "You sound like mom," I hear him gasp, "Don't make me hate you too.'

"Im offended. Don't compare me to her," he states.

My butt hits the end of my bed and I sit, slipping on my socks and shoes, "Then stop acting like her. I don't have to date or marry him just because he got me pregnant. You realize that I'm a big girl." I walk back to the dresser and grab my phone, pressing it against my ear.

"I have to go or I'll miss my flight," My hands reach for my suitcase, "I'll call you when I land in LA, ok?"

"Alright bug," I can hear him move around, "Love you."

"Love you too" I press the red button and start walking out of my room. Everett is sprawled out on the couch, a bowl of popcorn sits beside him.

"I'm leaving Ev," I announce, his eyes still glued to the tv, "Kaia's coming over twice a day to check on Paul. I gave her the key and paid her already so you don't have to worry."

I grab my keys off the foyer table, "Who's Kaia?" he screams. I turn slightly.

"Our neighbor's daughter?" he should know this. He's lived here longer than me.

"Sometimes I forget we have neighbors," ev yells out, "Stay safe and have fun!"

I laugh softly, "I'll try. Bye!"

"Bye Luce!"


    I step off the elevator and look around the crowded airport floor. My dad texted me twenty minutes ago saying that Anna was picking me up because she hasn't seen her sister in "years." Half-truth. She is always away with her husband and kids in some foreign country and I  stay in Seattle.

    Anna is the poster child of perfection. She's got pretty brown hair and blue eyes, while I have red hair and brown eyes. She went to college in California, was valedictorian of her class, got married to the perfect guy, had the perfect children. I try not to compare myself to her, but I feel judged. By her. By my mom. Even from my dad, even if he denies it.

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