Chapter I

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Chapter One

I sat in the wet sand, as looked out towards the deep blue ocean. I crossed my legs and laid down on my back. I closed my eye's and breathed in the strong smell of the sea and sand. I let out a gust of air and relaxed. I played with the sand around me making spiral's and circles, that are probaly deformed. I smiled. I'm such a lucky girl, I thought. I sat back up, and felt dizzy. I grinned and stood up. I shook my head to get rid of the dizziness. I opened my eye's and looked around again. I admired this place. I really did. Me, mommy and daddy have stayed here for a weekend. "to get away from everything" they say. I don't think it is, I thought to myself. I looked down and scrunched my toes up in to the sand. I wiped the sand off my quater length's and started to slowly walk towards the ocean.

 I stood in and let the rolling sea touch the tip of my toes. Everytime this happend, I'd shuffle forwards. So where was I? Oh yes, I think they have come here to snuggle up to each other, and hold hands. They don't really do that stuff anymore. I don't blame them, I personally think that, that stuff is gross, so I don't like being around them when they "snuggle". I smiled at the thought. I let my head fall backwards and I closed my eye's again. I sighed and then opened my eye's to find a big, tall, musclar, grinning man looking down at me, right in my eye's. He showed a thougthful expression. I jumped and screamed. I stumbled away from the charcater.

"Daddy!" I whined. He chuckled and stepped forwards towards me. "Don't do that!" He grinned and soon and I looking up to my dad. I frowned and titled my head. "Daddy?"

"Yes, Addie hunny?" He said, while picking me up and putting me on his shoulder.

"Why are you giant?" He laughed at this. I wobbled and grabbed hold of his hair, because of him shaking.

"Ow! Addie hunny, don't pull to hard. Don't want to hurt daddy do we?" He said still laughing.

"Daddy!" I whined again.

"Yes?" He asked.

"You didn't answer my question did you?"

"Didn't I?"

"No, daddy you didn't!" I replied sulky, pouting at him even though he wouldn't be able to see it.

"Are you pouting?"

My eye's widened as we started to walk more deeper in to the sea.

"N-No Daddy!" I answered quickly.

I quickly arranged my face so I was grinning.

"Look Daddy, I'm grinning" I said.

He took his arm's around my waist and pulled me off of his shoulder. He then put me in the ocean. I squealed, because of how the seaweed clung to my feet and because of how cold it was.

"You ok there, Addie?"

"Y-Yes" I said while shivering.

"Are you cold?" He asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes" I said wrapping my arm's around my top half to try and keep me warm.

"Oh, well come here then" He said opening his arm's.

I clambered in to them and hugged him. He laughed but it sounded scary.

"Daddy?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, Addie?"

"Why did you laugh scaryly" He chuckled.

"Hunny, scaryly anint a word" He said laughing again.

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