Chapter One Hundred & Eight: The Why to the How

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- The past must stay there for a reason

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- The past must stay there for a reason.

- The past must stay there for a reason

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"Oh. Hi." I answer her.

"Follow me" Photia orders.

"And why exactly would I do that?" I answer her, raising a brow. "I'm not too keen on following someone made of freaking Hell fire thankyouverymuch." I say and then look at Lily. "Take me back. I don't want any more responsibility than I already have. The fate of the whole wizarding world is already on my shoulders and the lives of thousands so thank you for the offer but I'm going to have to refuse." I smile at her calmly.

"You can't refuse your destiny." The woman muses, her tone amused.

"This is not my freaking destiny lady. I don't want to listen to destiny anymore. It screwed me over once. Not going to get a second chance."

"You know your true calling now. You'll start to see the monsters around like second nature. They will know you can see them and they will attack. They will try to kill you and your pathetic attempts of demonic magic and wizarding magic will do nothing against them." She informs me in a tone that quivered on anger.

"Then take it back. I don't want to see them."

"You don't get a choice."

"Then you don't get a choice in this either." I snap at her, getting angry. "You don't boss me around. I do whatever the hell I want. I will walk out of here and not look back with or without this damn sight." I snarl, eyes blazing.

She pauses and shrugs. "If you leave without taking the oath, you and your friends will die. Then that boy will become Lord Voldemort. The prophecy would be fulfilled and all your work would have been for nothing."

"At least then I can go on a damn vacation." I shrug, smirking.

"The boy will be lost forever. You care for him at least if you do not care for yourself." My whole face goes black. Why did people always use love as an ultimatum?

"Don't you dare threaten him." I snap, angered.

"Good god. She has a death wish. I almost pissed myself when I met Photia." James whispers all too loudly to his wife. They were both watching our confrontation with wide eyes.

𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞 ║Tom Riddle ✔ [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now