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How… how is this possible? His bending is gone!? No… NO!

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" I shout at Amon from across the stage.

Amon turns to me and even though he's wearing a mask, I can feel the coldest look that sends a shiver creeping up my spine. "You will get your turn… little mizuko."

My heart stops. It feels like all the fluid was just drained from my body. How does he know that name? That's my nickname. It's not like I go and tell every passerby who I am and what I'm called.

Amon turns back to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen. It has come to my attention that we have another special volunteer." Amon gestures to me and a blinding spotlight is set on me. I turn my head away at the sudden brightness of the light and the crowd starts to whisper. I slowly turn my head back and Amon resumes speaking. "This is (Y/N). The daughter of the former leader of the Triple Threats." Boos and jeers emanate from the crowd. "At the end of my demonstration, her bending will be taken away to show the future generation of benders that there is no hope in our new world, not even for them!" The crowd roars with excitement and their claps sounding like crawling thunder. How can they be so happy about what he just said? He's talking about harming children simply because that's how they are born. I feel my stomach getting tied tight in knots. "For now, we will proceed." The light turns off and Shin is thrusted to the front of the stage in front of Amon. 

I watch one after another as my family's bending gets taken. There's a high pitched sound ringing in my ear, drowning out all other sound around me. It's the bell of fear and despair. He's going to take everything from me. Everything. My family's bending and my own. My family and my bending… they're all my dad left me. I feel my breath shorten in my chest and I start panicking. I hang my head and close my eyes tight. My bending is the best gift my dad left me. Without it, I don't have anything. Please, just stop.

Then, next to me, I hear Bolin get up. I snap out of my defending and silent world and open my eyes. My family… he's more than family. I look up at Bolin, who stands before the monster, Amon.

"Bolin you have to run! Save yourself!" I scream at him, but it's silenced by the crowd. He won't move. He's terrified. Amon begins to approach him. "BOLIIIIN!!!!"

A sudden explosion of steam bursts out of the pipes that line the wall. The steam floods the room and screams of the crowd soon follow. The steam surrounds me and I see my chance to escape. Just as I'm about to stand up, a chi blocker shoves my faces to the ground. "Don't move!" Before I can respond, a foot strikes across the chi blockers face.

I lift my head from the floor and look up. "Mako?!" I say with surprise and relief.

"See? I told you they would find us!" Bolin says as he loosens my restraints.

"Cutting it kinda close though." I say sarcastically as I stand.

"Come on!" Mako says and gestures for us to follow him. We run out of the room, down halls and out a side door that leads outside. One after another, we begin to climb down a ladder. Suddenly, I feel an electrical current run from the ladder into our body and we all fall to the ground of the alleyway below. I look up and see the Lieutenant jumping down after us. We all swiftly move out of the way and we get in a stance ready to fight. But I realize I don't have any water to fight with. I'll just have to draw as much water as I can out of the air around me so I at least have a fighting chance. 

As I start to whirl my hands around my body, Mako gets knocked off his feet. Bolin throws chunks of the alley floor at the Lieutenant but misses. I try harder to gather water as Bolin tries to hold off the Lieutenant by raising a wall of rock between him and the man charging at him. It does little to stop the Lieutenant as he swiftly moves around it. He pushes Bolin up against the wall and electrocutes him. Bolin falls to the ground and Mako quickly follows up. 

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