It's Only Me, Buck

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"Buck, stop!"

Steve followed Bucky out of the hospital. He was several feet in front of him walking quickly towards the parking lot. Steve wasn't exactly sure where his best friend was headed, as he didn't have his own vehicle to leave in, but he knew it was likely somewhere away from what had just happened. The thought only made Steve feel worse. Bucky wasn't supposed to find out about him and Marlena the way he had, but there was no turning back now. The only thing he could do was hope Bucky wanted to listen to what he had to say.

"Bucky, wait, please."

Steve caught up to him and grabbed his arm, though he still kept a slight distance. Bucky turned around immediately, his gaze shifting from Steve's hand wrapped around his arm to Steve's eyes. Steve could see the tears filling Bucky's eyes, and he frowned. Although he knew it was inevitable, this was the last thing Steve wanted for Bucky.

"I—" Bucky couldn't get his words out. He didn't know what to say. All he could focus on was how he felt. He was angry and confused and absolutely heartbroken. He almost felt betrayed.

"I know you're upset, Buck," Steve spoke nervously and loosened his grip around Bucky's arm. "But I'd really like to talk about this if you're willing to listen. If not, that's okay. If you wanna hit me instead, that's okay, too. But you're still my best pal and I really can't stand the thought of losing you again."

A single tear fell from Bucky's eye as he looked at Steve. He pondered over Steve's words for several moments. For a split second Bucky thought seriously about taking Steve up on his offer, given the circumstances, but he wouldn't have been able to forgive himself for hurting Steve. He wanted to believe that over the years he'd become less impulsive with his anger, so he removed his arm from Steve's hold and turned around. Without a word, Bucky walked over to one of the many benches outside the large hospital. Steve followed him and sat down, not too sure what to expect of whatever was about to happen.

"Y'know, I actually panicked when you told me how long we'd all been gone," Bucky finally spoke to Steve after several moments of silence between the two. His voice wavered as he tried to conceal his desperate want to burst into tears. He hated feeling so weak, and he definitely hated the reason why. "It did occur to me that Marlena could've moved on, but I couldn't help but think about what I would do if she had. Sure, her being single could've been a chance for me to get her back, but she's not single, is she, Steve?"

"No," Steve answered quietly.

"How long, Steve?" Bucky wiped his face again. He hated that he couldn't hold back his tears, but at this point it was inevitable. His emotions couldn't be controlled. "How long have you two, uh, been together?"

"About a year and a half." Steve knew exactly why Bucky had asked the question. He was afraid of how soon their relationship could've began, but Steve was quick to reassure him.

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