🌹Chapter 13🌹

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Kayla's POV
What is 'he' doing here? Noticing my confusion I guess,Mr Liam decided to introduce us.

"Miss Kayla this is Andrew,a business partner and a friend" he said gritting out the word friends like he was forced to associate with the man "And Andrew this is my personal assistant Kayla"he said pointing towards my direction.

Quickly greeting the now known man visitor,I turn towards Mr Liam ready to get this over with."Sir I came here in regards to the files you gave some moments ago,I came to plead with you to give me extra time to finish up the files"I said to him.

"Well I'm sorry Miss Kayla but if you cannot finish the files in an hour then you have to spend the rest of the day,lunch inclusive doing that,do I make myself clear?"

What the hell my lunch too,my precious time designated for stuffing my face with food is going to be spent organizing files.Well Kayla what did you expect from a man that was put in this world to frustrate the hell out of you.

"Yes sir"I grumbled with a sour face,pissed that I wouldn't have any food in my tummy today.Not sparing a glance at Andrew I left his office to go to mine.Sitting down I once again begin to work on the stupid,boring files.

After about an hour I could say I've gone half way, it's now lunch time but here I am stuck working on some stupid files all because of Mr Liam.Hearing the sound of my door opening I look up to see Andrew coming in and closing the door quietly.

"Umm how may I help you sir"I asked,curious as to what he is doing here,in my office.

"Sorry if I disturbed but I seem to understand that you are not allowed to go for your lunch so I decided to bring something for you"he said and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

I knew based on our former interaction that the was a gentleman,but him bringing me food when be barely knew me was super weird.Thanking him I proceed to unwrap the food to see what it was...C'mon I am so hungry I could eat a whole donkey,and what is the worse that could happen....

Food poisoning,being drugged and then raped or even worse death' my stupid subconscious answered,mocking me.

Opening the lid the entire office was filled with an amazing,enticing smell,inside was a burger and some fries with a coke - my ideal food.Thanking my savior,I hurriedly gobbled up the food to my poor and hungry stomach.

After clearing the plate and drinking up half of the coke,I thank him once again expecting him to leave  immediately I was done,no offence meant but I had more files to organize.

Clearing my throat to ease the very tense air I said "Thanks for the lunch it was amazing,you are amazing for bringing food to me when you barely knew me and after I  spilled coffee on you.Thank you a lot,I really appreciate it but you have to leave as I am still very busy with work"I wait gesturing at the clutter on my desk.

Nodding his head he stood and said"You are welcome,and I could not let a beautiful lady work on an empty stomach"he said grinning boyishly at me. After waving at me be left leaving me to continue my torture.

...Few hours later...
It was late already way past my closing hours even by the time I finished faxing the last documents.Clearing my desk of the mess I pack my hair in a bun,grab my hand bag and put on my shoes before leaving my office.

Walking out I notice I was the last of staffs remaining in the building except the security men who were on duty every hour of the day.Walking out of the door I greet the security man at the door,going outside I finally realize that it was very late and it would be very hard for me to find a cab and it was....drizzling.Oh god kill me already.It just had to be the day I forget to take my umbrella that this is happening.I always had a portable umbrella in my bag for incidents like this,but Noah just had to persuade me to change my handbag making me forget the umbrella.

Bringing out my phone I decide to call an uber since I can't find any cab this time,but just my luck my phone was switched off as a result of not charging it,also Noah's fault,he just had to borrow my charger for the night and I forgot to charge in the office today as I was pre occupied with the stupid files.

Deciding to wait out the already heavy rain I walk back into the office building,standing by the door, I see a car passing by and not wanting to let my only possible solution at the moment pass me by,I raise my arm frantically waving at the car to stop,but it seemed like the driver did not want to stop as he drove away.

Turning back to enter into the building again,I turn to see yet the same car,but this time it was stopping for me.Happily I enter the car only to see that the driver is my boss,the same one who caused me to be in this predicament.

Deciding to break the silence I say"Thank you sir for coming back for me,if you had not come I would have been stuck there as this rain doesn't seem to be stopping any time"but he doesn't even act as if I said anything.I don't talk for the rest of the drive to my house.

Reaching my destination,I alight and once again thank him,but he doesn't even answer I turn to enter my house and I figure that getting dropped by my boss seems to be happening often...

So I know this is a crappy chapter It is very cringe worthy but I felt like l had to write this.
Please bear with my typos I'll try to get it fixed soon🙈🙈

Also how do you like the gentle and cute Andrew...I thought he was okay?

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