The Cabin

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Using all my body weight, I pushed on the handle of the door, begging for it to bulge so I could quench my curiosity. I have been pushing and pulling since the past ten minutes but the huge mahogany door has not moved an inch. Sighing, I leaned against it to catch my breath, thinking why was I doing this in the first place as I saw a flashback.

"There is a cabin in the dense heart of the forest near this town. Many say that whoever had gone there has not returned since. What is inside the cabin has been a mystery ever since this town came into being."

"Alright, let's go and explore it!" I said chirpily.

"Did you not hear what I said? No one has returned."

"You are doing this because you are stubborn, crazy and too curious for your own good," I thought to myself. Reenergizing myself with grim determination, I began to push on that door again. I had little to none hopes that this door would ever bulge but this time, it did — just a fraction of an inch. Seeing the opportunity, I quickly grabbed a dead branch that was lying near my feet and stuck it in the door to prevent it from closing. "Yes!" I thought. "Now, I would finally know what all the suspense is about."

With caution, I slipped my hand inside and unclasped the bottom lock and unbolted bottom hinge so that there was a small opening if we pulled the door from the bottom. I crouched down and crawled inside, excitement buzzing in my veins to unveil the mystery.

The second I entered the cabin, the smell similar to that of a slaughterhouse assaulted my nostrils. When my eyes adjusted to the dark surroundings, I felt bile rising up my throat as I bit unto my fist to stop the scream from escaping me. The ground was a sea of crimson blood, but not animal blood. Dead human parts littered the cabin floor. Rusted iron nails that hung from the ceilings pierced through detached arms and legs, some from which crimson flowed readily as if they had been alive moments ago. The bloody red, veiny concrete slab was partially covered by a sheet of skin so cleanly peeled off and spread out on it to dry the way we might dry a sheet. Just a few feet away lay another mass of a bloody lump of meat from which every trace of skin had been removed, its empty eyes staring off into space, its teeth bared and its mouth stretched open as if it was yelling.

The cabin looked like a human-slaughterhouse and without any hesitation, I quickly got out and ran until my legs could not carry me anymore and my lungs could not get enough air in them. I ran and I ran, not stopping until I was in the safe boundaries of my town. But a thought still raced my mind, who could do all that? 


A/N: Hey guys! So this was my first attempt in writing a gore scene, how well did I do?

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