[ 3.14 ] - Intermediate: Savor my last moment

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Intermediate: Savor my last moment

[ 3.14 ]

R Y E N N E  A T S T E L L I

Year 12

"Come join the Ceramics Club!"

"Join the Basketball Club!"

"Join the—"

I walked through the plaza, passing by the many clubs booths that had been set up in an attempt to recruit first years. Since I wasn't looking for a club to join, I ignored the desperate attempts of gaining my attention and just continued to the school entrance where Xael was waiting for me.

I had finally mustered up the courage to see Instructor Irold and tell him my final decision concerning our lessons. Even though I was nervous, I felt like it is something I must tell him in person, unlike Ryun who just left without a word.

I sighed at the thought before shaking my head. It was typical of Ryun I guess I could say.

Pushing my thoughts to the back of my head, I greeted Xael with a smile as I approached him.

"Is my gift here yet?" I ask, trying to peek behind his figure that was beginning to tower over me. Seeing my failing attempts, Xael cracked a small smile before nodding. "It was delivered just a moment ago. It's on the table."

Xael moved his body so that I could finally see the interior of the car, and when I finally spotted the neatly wrapped gift, I sighed in relief.

"Shall we go now?" He gestured his hands towards the car and I nodded, stepping in without a hurry. It was only when the both of us were fully situated did the car begin to move towards the athletic center.

With much time left before we arrived, I decided to bring up a topic that I was very excited for.

"Xael, I heard that your mom is going to give birth to twins. Are you excited to become an older brother?" Xael watched me blankly for a moment, before letting out a light chuckle. "Of course I'm excited, but why do you look more excited than me?"

"Do I?" I awkwardly scratched the back of my head as I smiled sheepishly.

"I guess it'd be fun to see a mini Xael. And maybe even see one that doesn't have such a stone face." I joked with a mirthful grin, but all I got in response was a scowl. I found myself laughing as I watched him glaring at me.

"You and Litheon with these facial paralysis jokes. It's not as bad as it used to be..." He mumbled adorably. My fingers naturally found itself pulling at his cheeks whilst I ignored his frowning eyes.

"...Or maybe we just know how to read your emotions?" I tell him, letting go of his cheeks. On each one, there was a visible red blob, like a cartoon character.

How cute.

"But I did notice that you do smile and glare more often. It's a lot of progress from your previous self!" I clapped for him in celebration before sitting back in my seat and giving him a questioning look. "Anyways, why are you trying to fix that aspect of yourself, though? It's the perfect face to make during any competition."

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