C H A P T E R 14

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Adonis's POV

I jumped up from my sleep to someone screaming. It was coming from outside and it sounded like Rose so I ran down the stairs and there she was laughing with Mister and Missus Camry and George. Rose looked gorgeous as she sat there laughing with everyone.

I leaned against the door and watched them interact with a smile on my face.  She was talking and she was being very animated with her hands and she had all their attention.  She playfully rolled her eyes and started walking away from them laughing. We made eye contact and all of a sudden the smile disappeared from her face.

I felt a pang in my chest when she did that and I had a nagging feeling like I had forgotten something. She walked right past me and George raised his eyebrows at me probably questioning why she was cold with me.

I walked after her wanting to ask her what was wrong but she walked into our room and then straight into the bathroom. I sat on our bed wracking my brain about what could have happened. I got flashes of last night and I couldn't pin point anything mostly because I could hardly remember anything.

I don't know how long I had been trying to figure it out but I heard the bathroom open and she walked out drying her hair. She looked at me and her facial express didn't even change she just seemed uninterested. I opened my mouth to speak but the door to the walk in closet slammed shut.

I changed out of my clothes from last night and put on a pair of shorts and waited for her to finish so I could talk to her. She walked out and she looked gorgeous.

She was moving around as if she couldn't see or feel me watching her. I went and stood behind her and said ,'Hey Rose.'

She hummed but didn't face me I turned her to face me and I held her by the arms and said ,'What did I do?'

She looked at me and said ,'Nothing '

She turned away from me and continued packing her handbag. I turned her around and said ,'Seriously ,what did I do?'

I saw the annoyance flicker in her eyes and I knew what was coming. She shoved me and continued packing her handbag with more force and anger now.

I was also starting to get annoyed. She turned in anger and said ,'You want to know what you did wrong? Let me tell you. You didn't think to warn me. You're in love with the girl whose wedding we went to last night and I was the dumbass who had to stand there as your girlfriend and watch you guys hug and act like reunited lovers. You wanted to know what you did wrong there you go.'

I didn't act like that last night, did I?

I snapped out of my thoughts and said ,'I'm not in love with her '

She scoffed and walked out of the room and I walked after her. I could feel myself panicking, I didn't want Rose thinking that I was in love with someone else when I really really like her. I ran after her and I called her name.

She turned to me and said ,' What!'

George and everyone l looked at us shocked at the shouting going on they then walked out the house to the staff quarters I assume.

I focused on her again and said ,'I don't love Josie.'

She scoffed under her breathe and said ,'Yeah let's say her name, why not.'

I came closer to her and in a softer voice and said ,'I don't love her Lily Rose.'

She sighed and shook her head and said ,'I'm going to tell you what I saw last night. Last night you practically drunk yourself silly, you probably had like 20 or more glasses of whiskey because of this girl. You told me with your own mouth that you always saw yourself being the one to marry her, you said that to me.'

She paused and came closer to me and started poking my chest and said ,'So I want you to deny what you said with your own mouth. You can't do that can you, do you know why, because a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.'

She walked towards the front door and I called her name again and she shouted back at me and said ,'I have a meeting.'

I went to the front door and saw her jump into her car and Benjamin drove away.

I had to remember what happened last night. I went to take a shower and I stood inside the shower for about an hour. By the time I left the shower I remembered everything and she was right what she said happened did happen but I didn't mean I loved Josie. When I said what I said to Rose last night, I just meant there was time I thought I was going to marry her. 

If I'm completely honest the first girl I ever thought I was going to marry was Rose. When we were kids I always felt like she understood me and I acted like I wasn't that into her but she got the best of me and I don't think she knows that. Rose was the one I showed my emotions to and the one who's opinion of me I took very seriously.

I moved to England and I hadn't seen Rose since, but when I was at Oxford I met Josie. Josie was a breathe of fresh air to me from all the girl's I had been around. Josie didn't care that I came from one of the wealthiest families in the world, she didn't even know who I was. Turns out she just made me think all these things and she had been aware the whole time. She wanted me for my money and she dated me for years and she cheated on me the whole time and I had no idea.

How did it end, I caught her cheating on me after multiple warnings from Xavier and she snapped. She told me everything, How I was unlovable, how I was so fucking clueless that I didn't know she had been cheating for years, how she only dated me for money and it shattered me.

It shattered me, what Josie did but I can survive that, I have. However I've got a chance to be with Rose for the rest of my life after thinking that I would never , I'm not sure I would survive losing Rose over some bullshit. Something that never made sense to me was how I could love someone so much when we were kids but it happened and I still love her.

This wasn't over, Rose and I, we are for the long run and I had to make sure of it.

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