Asher × Icelin: He's Too Young!

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Asher and Icelin based off this song ^ (Song is said a bit in story)

⚠️Bit of smut⚠️

Derin still belongs to; AdventureCustoms

This one sets up for the next ship.

🔪Icelin's P.O.V❄

I was laying on the Prince's bed, thinking nervously. "Asher. We have to go back." "No we fucking don't" Asher hissed in reply "Yes we d-" "I don't want to live as an untold story Icelin, I want to go out in a blaze of glory! Like as a king! I don't want to die bidding for our damn.. boss." He growled, I had started ignoring him when he said 'I'.

"I cant hear you-" "And I don't fear you!" He got up from his place on a bean bag chair trying to make himself look tall and buff. Yes, he is buff, but hes anything but tall. I got up aswell standing infront of him, towering over the smaller daemos.

"I won't fear you Icelin! You always act as if your bigger and tougher than I! But you're  so much more obedient and quiet you, you're the whim-" I cut him off "Shut the fuck up. I rather live now, since the bad die last. You understand me?!" "We aren't bad!" "We we are Asher! You're trying to be good with all your might but we'll never be good! Your just trying to dodge bullets with me because you have a broken past! Yes I understand that but it won't make me act nicer to you! So for now I can't hear you ok?" I turned away from Asher so I could calm down, trying not to freeze the room around me cuz of the stress and anger my minds going through.

"I still don't fear you.." "And thats fine, I don't want you to." Silence filled the room "I don't want to live as a unsung melody.." Asher mumbled quietly "I don't want to be forgotten when I die... I.. I don't want to be unknown.." I sighed turning back to him "I rather listen to the silence telling me-" Asher, with a sly smirk cut me off "I can't hear you." I scoffed with a slight chuckle as I crossed my arms turning my back to him "I won't ever fear you." Asher sighed sitting back down onto his bean bag chair which also happened to be where he slept.

"I don't want to go back, when we wake up on a Monday morning. The thought of that work will have my skin crawling... I don't want to be bad.... Icelin..?" "Hm?" I hummed in responce looking at the small daemos boy "I can't fear you.." I sighed "And Whys that?" I growled, He got back up, standing tall as he walked towards me "Because, you're an ice daemos! I could easily hurt and kill you! I can't  fear you! I can't  be deemed as a.. worthless... whimpy... weak daemos! Ok? I can't... not again.." He mumbled closer to the end, while he was yelling at me, his fire had activated and his feet were on fire, good think that his clothes had a fire protection spell along with Derins room.

"Yes you fucking can Asher. You can just shut up and stop whinning about it ok? You know you're not weak so stop trying to prove you not it just makes you seen like a fucking try hard!" the ground under my feet started freezing "You don't understand the feeling of being teased! Ok?! So just shut up!-" Asher froze looking at the door to Derins room "Derin.. Hey." I spoke "How long have you been there..?" "Just long enough to hear about Asher being teased for being soft and whimpy...." Asher growled "I'm not though!"

Derin chuckled walking up to Asher picking him up like a baby, which caused him to yelp and squirm, then he sat down on his bed and pet Ash. Asher instantly melted to the pets and Derin hummed "Mhm.. ok. You're totally not soft.." Asher sat up instantly and growled "Am not!" "Mhm.. ok" Derin chuckled "I have a proposition for you two. Come sit." Derin patted his bed and I sat on the left side of him, Asher on the right.

"I'd like the two of you to join me in school." "School...?" Asher asked confused "A place for younger humans to learn." "Sounds stupid." Asher spoke "I'm intrigued. I'll go." "I never actually asked the two of you, how old are you..? I know Ashlin is 22." "I'm 16, Ice is 20." "Huh.. well I have to lie about your age then Icelin." "What? Why?" "Cuz you have to be 17 or 18." "Uh.. ok.. sure I'll be 18 for a bit.." "Cool! I'll talk to my principal today at school and I'll take you with me tommorw!"

Random oneshots (Mostly Aphmau Oc's/Characters)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora