chapter two

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    To the right is Trent isn't he such a cutie



   I try to scream but the persons hand is on my mouth. I bite down then find the light and turn it on. Standing there is none other then bad boy player Trent."what do you want dick" i say glaring at him. He glares right back but he has his signature smirk on." im here because i need your help." i look at him completely shocked. I mean coommee ooonnn this is trent we're talking about. This guy has hated me and my friends since we were in the sixth grade. "You want my help? Hahaha Trent you have hated me since the incident when we were in sixth grade. You probably just want to prank me and im not going to fall for it so no i will not help you." i say the last part slowly and then walk out. I close.the door.behind me and head to third period. God damn that boy he made me fifteen minutes late."wait,Alice come back please." i'm so going to regret this. I thought to myself as I stopped and turned around. Trent was right in front of me. "Fine what is so important that you couldn't ask someone else." i say in a bored tone with my arms crossed across my chest looking into his Blue orbs. He says not here and after.looking around he grabs my arm gently and starts dragging me out of the school. I know what your thinking and no im not a good girl.far from it. You see im more of the edgy bad ass type but im not full blown bad girl reputation just small. You see the story between me and Trent goes way back to sixth grade when i was on the wrestling team. It happened after championships we just got the trophy amd were on our way to a restaurant for a treat from Coach C. i was riding with Trent,Tyler,william and jason. As you have probably already figured out i'm the only girl on the team. Anyways.we were chating and out of nowhere Tyler crawls over to me and kisses me. I didn't know at the time that Trent had a crush on and I didn't want to hurt Tyler's feelings so i kissed him back. I actually don't know how to break it off so i'm stuck until me and Clara get it figured out. He hates Clara because she's been my best friend since we were six. I try to pull my arm away but lets just say the wrestling team has treated him well."I'm not skipping school with you Trent." he stops and turns around with a glint in his eye."why not when we were in sixth grade we used to do it together all the time. We were the best of friends.cant we go back to that. I miss us. Can't we go back to normal. Back to sneaking away from everybody and going to our hangout in the cemetery.remember we go there blar our music laugh have fun. Please Alice just lets go back to normal." he was looking at me with tears in his eyes. I never thought I'd see the day Trent Mccrary cries. I dont know what possessed me to do it.but i did. I walked up to Trent and hugged him. He immediately hugged me back. "Yeah,let's go back to the way we were before. I miss us too." i say laying my head on his chest with his chin resting on my head. He backed away and grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand to his bike. I know what your thinking. No I'm not cheating. Me and Trent used to always hold hands.

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