If We Continue Like This...

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It's 2 pm and I'm free from this place finally, I don't wanted to be here anymore. To many needles connect and stock in me and in other places I won't tell. I hate this place. The good thing is that my wonderful boyfriend was here all the time with me, he didn't leave my side, just to go to the bathroom and it's much to say haha. The doctor give me medicines and thought Spence how to take care of some wounds, plus rest a lot.

We head out of the building carrying all the stuffed animals and flowers Spencer co-workers brought this morning. My best friend Luka, came too and gave me so many chocolates and candies, Spencer got jealous and was so cute the puppy face he made when my friend left.

- Spence, I have to grab my things from my apartment -I say staring at him driving and God, he looks so good.

- Nop, we're going to my place. You have to rest -he reply and I roll my eyes.

- Spence, I'm fine and your door it's still broken right? -I rise an eyebrow.

- Rossi told me that Morgan went with him yesterday to repair the door -he explains.

- But...

- No, buts. I'm a doctor and I'm telling you that you have to rest -I roll my eyes crossing my arms under my chest pouting- Don't be a grumpy baby -he laughs.

- Can I change this music? I love you and I have nothing against Beethoven but I'm gonna fall asleep with this -I smile.

- Go a head -he says not taking his eyes from the road.

- yayay -I act like a 5 years old. Changing the stations I found one of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands.

- I'M NOT A VAMPIRE BUT I FEEL LIKE ONE. SOMETIMES I SLEEP ALL DAY 'CAUSE I HATE THE SUNLIGHT -I start singing along with the song. Yes, it's metal music but I love it. We stop in red light and my boyfriend looks at me like I become crazy.

- I'm gonna ask the doctor what gave you in the meds -he says laughing.

- Speeeence -I hit his arm playfully.

- I would never thought that you like that kind of music. I thought you like more pop music -he says.

- Well, Dr Reid. It's would surprise you my different tastes in music -I tell him- I don't choose to like a song just for the rhythm, I like the songs for the meaning behind the lyrics -I explain to him.

- That's cool, because tells me that you look forward and not just stare at the superficial -he comments making me blush a little- I like that from you.

We arrive, Spence park the car and surround to help me hop down the car. He's being so carefully and caring with me.

I breathe squeezing his hand when I feel a pain in my leg making the pretty boy concerns.

- Baby, where is hurting? -he ask.

- My leg -I respond.

- That's weird. You don't have injuries there -he takes me in his arms carrying me to the apartment- I'll check it. Maybe you sleep in a bad position -I nod resting y on his shoulder.

Spence find the way to open the door taking me to his room laying me on the bed. He grab some cloth from his drawer and take off my t-shirt putting one of his on me and the same with the pants.

- This is so cute Spence, but you know I have hands right? -I giggle.

- Shhh, let me take care of you. As your boyfriend my job is look after you -he tells me with a cute smile on his face.

- Now I'm gonna shower and I'll come to change the gauze, put the cream and see what's happening with your leg, oh and give you the meds -he says- Is it hurting so much? Do you want me to check now? -he ask talking so fast but I catch it.

I'll Risk Anything For You (Spencer Reid)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن